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Safe Routes to School Davis Elementary Access Compliance <br />December 20, 2022 <br />Page 3 <br />Proiect Delive <br />To deliver a complete project, in addition to the construction contract, the estimated total <br />project delivery cost includes construction administration, inspection and testing, along <br />with an allowance for contingencies to account for unexpected or unforeseen <br />conditions. Construction administration and inspection includes construction <br />management; implementation of the federal labor requirements; inspection of the <br />Contractor's work to ensure contract compliance, workmanship, and quality; and <br />materials testing. <br />As indicated in the Cost Analysis (Exhibit 5) and as summarized in the table below, the <br />estimated total construction delivery cost of the project is $6,948,025. <br />Project Item <br />Total <br />Construction Contract <br />$5,558,420.00 <br />Construction Administration, Inspection, Testing <br />$833,000.00 <br />Project Contingencies <br />$556,605.00 <br />TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY COST <br />$6,948,025.00 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the recommended actions <br />are exempt from further review. Categorical Exemption Environmental Review No. ER- <br />2019-38 was filed for the project 19-6951. NEPA Categorical Exemption per Section 23 <br />USC 326 on May 2, 2019. NEPA Categorical Exemption revalidated on January 28, <br />2022. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />On August 2, 2022, the City Council approved the Revive Santa Ana Spending Plan <br />that reflected the entire American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocation of local fiscal <br />recovery funds. A $2,114,025 cost savings was subsequently identified from Project 22- <br />1342 and redirected, by the City Manager's authorization, to the Safe Routes to School <br />Davis Elementary Access Compliance project, a critical infrastructure, pedestrian and <br />mobility improvement project. <br />As indicated in the Cost Analysis, the estimated total construction delivery cost of the <br />project is $6,948,025, which includes construction, contract administration, inspection <br />and testing, and authorized contingencies of $1,389,605. All funds are available for <br />expenditure in Fiscal Year 2022-23, however any remaining balances not expended at <br />the end of the fiscal year will be carried forward into FY 2023-24. <br />The following table summarizes the funds budgeted for expenditure to deliver <br />construction of this project: <br />City Council 18 — 3 12/20/2022 <br />