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G. The proposed amendments to the Santa Ana Municipal Code (SAMC) <br />support the objectives and policies of the City's General Plan. <br />H. On November 14, 2022, the Planning Commission held a duly -noticed <br />public hearing to consider this Ordinance, where all interested persons <br />were given an opportunity to be heard, and recommended approval of the <br />ordinance to the City Council. <br />On December 6, 2022, the City Council held a duly -noticed public hearing <br />to consider this Ordinance, where all interested persons were given an <br />opportunity to be heard. <br />Section 2. The recitals above are each incorporated by reference and adopted <br />as findings by the City Council. <br />Section 3. Section 41-121 (Reserved) of Chapter 41 of the SAMC is hereby <br />amended to read as follows: <br />Sec. 41-121. — Mobile Food Truck. <br />Mobile Food Truck means a motorized vehicle or mobile food unit. licensed by the <br />California Department of Motor Vehicles, designed and equipped to prepare, serve, and <br />sell food and/or non-alcoholic beverages. For purposes herein, the term "food" shall <br />mean fruit, meat, vegetables, or other nutritious substance, dispensed in prepared, <br />packaged or other form suitable for immediate ingestion or consumption by human <br />beings. "Mobile Food Truck" shall not include a trailer or any wagon or pushcart, either <br />propelled or drawn by motorized or other force, or any other vehicle incidentally used for <br />dispensing food. <br />Section 4. Article XXII (Mobile Food Trucks on Private Property) to Chapter 41 <br />of the SAMC is hereby added in its entirety to read as follows: <br />ARTICLE XXII. — MOBILE FOOD TRUCKS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY <br />Sec. 41-2300. — Purpose. <br />The purpose and intent of this Article is to create a streamline administrative permit <br />process allowing mobile food trucks to operate on private property in order to provide <br />entrepreneurial opportunities for small businesses to operate in the City and benefit the <br />community by providing gourmet and fast food services to the City residents, workers, <br />and visitors, and to establish regulations that ensure mobile food trucks are operated in <br />a safe manner and do not create a public nuisance. <br />Sec. 41-2301. — Applicability. <br />(a) The provisions of this Article shall apply to all mobile food trucks operating on <br />private property, unless exempted by Section 41-2305(b). Mobile food trucks <br />may operate on City owned property with prior written consent and approval by <br />the City Manager or designee and shall be subject to the provisions of this Article <br />as doomod apprQpriato by tho City 5A er nr dosigAgo <br />City Council 9-2 12/20/2022 <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />Page 2 of 10 <br />