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expanded to eight hundred (800) square feet after or as part of the two - <br />unit project. <br />(3) Height Restrictions. <br />(A) On a lot that is smaller than two thousand (2,000) square feet, no new <br />primary dwelling unit may exceed two (2) stories or twenty-two (22) feet <br />in height, measured from grade to peak of the structure. Any portion of <br />a new primary dwelling that exceeds one (1) story must be stepped <br />back by an additional five (5) feet from the ground floor; no balcony <br />deck or other portion of the second story may project into the stepback. <br />(B) No rooftop deck is permitted on any new or remodeled dwelling or <br />structure on a lot with a two -unit project. <br />(4) Demo Cap. The two -unit project may not involve the demolition of more than <br />twenty-five (25) percent of the existing exterior walls of an existing dwelling <br />unless the site has not been occupied by a tenant in the last three (3) years. <br />(5) Lot Coverage. The maximum building coverage of net lot area shall be <br />thirty-five (35) percent. If new structures are proposed to be one-story and <br />be deed restricted to be maintained as one-story structures in perpetuity, a <br />fifty (50) percent lot coverage is allowed. This lot coverage standard is only <br />enforced to the extent that it does not prevent two (2) primary dwelling units <br />on the lot at eight hundred (800) square feet each. <br />(6) Open Space. Private open space shall be provided for each unit at a <br />minimum of one hundred (100) square feet in the form of a private covered <br />patio or deck. The minimum dimensions of such space shall be eight (8) feet <br />in each direction. This open space standard is only enforced to the extent <br />that it does not prevent two (2) primary dwelling units on the lot at eight <br />hundred (800) square feet each. <br />(7) Setbacks. <br />(A) Generally. All setbacks must conform to those objective setbacks that <br />are imposed through the underlying zone. <br />(B) Exceptions. Notwithstanding subsection (f)(7)(A) above: <br />(i) Existing Structures. No setback is required for an existing <br />legally established structure or for a new structure that is <br />constructed in the same location and to the same dimensions <br />as an existing legally established structure. <br />(ii) Eight hundred (800) sf,- four -foot side and rear. The setbacks <br />imposed by the underlying zone must yield to the degree <br />necessary to avoid physically precluding the construction of <br />up to two (2) units on the lot or either of the two (2) units from <br />City Council 6 — 46 2iOrdinance ce o. 0? _ <br />xxx <br />Page 46 of 54 <br />