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City of Santa Ana <br />Agreement No.: D2202006 <br />Project No.: 3010038-002C <br />Page 24 of 49 <br />C.2.1 Return of Funds; Acceleration; and Additional Payments. <br />Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the Division determines that an Event of Default <br />has occurred, the Recipient may be required, upon demand, immediately to do each of the following: <br />i. return to the State Water Board any grant or principal forgiveness amounts received pursuant <br />to this Agreement; <br />ii. accelerate the payment of any principal owed under this Agreement, all of which shall be <br />immediately due and payable; <br />iii. pay interest at the highest legal rate on all of the foregoing; and <br />iv, pay any Additional Payments. <br />C.2.3 Administrative remedies. <br />Whenever the State Water Board determines that the Recipient, the Recipient's contractor, consultant, <br />employee, agent, assignee, or grantee has violated any requirement or term of the Agreement, the State <br />Water Board may impose civil penalties in accordance with Water Code, section 13497. The State Water <br />Board may impose civil liability administratively against the Recipient or the Recipient's consultant or <br />contractor or other agent furnishing any information related to funds disbursed or costs claimed for <br />reimbursement if the Recipient or the Recipient's consultant or contractor or other agent fails to <br />personally attest that the information is true, accurate, and complete the best of one's knowledge. (Wat. <br />Code, § 13498.) The State Water Board may impose civil liability administratively against any person <br />who makes a misrepresentation in any submittal to the State Water Board, including, but not limited to, an <br />application, report, certification, record, invoice, form, or other document that is submitted to the State <br />Water Board relating to a financial assistance agreement. (Wat. Code, § 13499.) <br />C.2.4 Judicial remedies. <br />Whenever the State Water Board determines that an Event of Default shall have occurred, the State <br />Water Board may enforce its rights under this Agreement by any judicial proceeding, whether at law or in <br />equity. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the State Water Board may: <br />i. by suit in equity, require the Recipient to account for amounts relating to this Agreement <br />as if the Recipient were the trustee of an express trust; <br />ii. by mandamus or other proceeding, compel the performance by the Recipient and any of <br />its officers, agents, and employees of any duty under the law or of any obligation or <br />covenant under this Agreement, including but not limited to the imposition and collection <br />of rates for the services of the System sufficient to meet all requirements of this <br />Agreement; and <br />iii. take whatever action at law or in equity as may appear necessary or desirable to the <br />State Water Board to collect the Payments then due or thereafter to become due, or to <br />enforce performance of any obligation or covenant of the Recipient under this <br />Agreement. <br />Upon the filing of a suit or other commencement of judicial proceedings to enforce the rights of the State <br />Water Board under this Agreement, the State Water Board may make application for the appointment of a <br />receiver or custodian of the Revenues, pending such proceeding, with such power as the court making <br />such appointment may confer. <br />C.2.5 Termination. <br />Upon an Event of Default, the State Water Board may terminate this Agreement. Interest shall accrue on <br />all amounts due at the highest legal rate of interest from the date that the State Water Board delivers <br />notice of termination to the Recipient. <br />Exhibit C <br />