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2023-006 - Automated Meter Infrastructure Project
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2023-006 - Automated Meter Infrastructure Project
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City of Santa Ana <br />Agreement No.: D2202006 <br />Project No.: 3010038-002C <br />Page 26 of 49 <br />the application, all of the documents incorporated into this Agreement by reference, and all reports, <br />reimbursement requests, and supporting documentation submitted hereunder. <br />C.3.2 Accounting and Auditing Standards; Financial Management Systems; Records Retention. <br />(a) The Recipient must maintain project accounts according to GAAP as issued by the Governmental <br />Accounting Standards Board (GASB) or its successor. The Recipient must maintain GAAP-compliant <br />project accounts, including GAAP requirements relating to the reporting of infrastructure assets. <br />(b) The Recipient must comply with federal standards for financial management systems. The Recipient <br />agrees that, at a minimum, its fiscal control and accounting procedures will be sufficient to permit <br />preparation of reports required by the federal government and tracking of Project funds to a level of <br />expenditure adequate to establish that such funds have not been used in violation of federal or state law <br />or the terms of this Agreement. To the extent applicable, the Recipient is bound by, and must comply <br />with, the provisions and requirements of the federal Single Audit Act of 1984 and 2 CFR Part 200, subpart <br />F, and updates or revisions, thereto. <br />(c) Without limitation of the requirement to maintain Project accounts in accordance with GAAP, the <br />Recipient must: <br />i. Establish an official file for the Project which adequately documents all <br />significant actions relative to the Project; <br />ii. Establish separate accounts which will adequately and accurately depict all <br />amounts received and expended on the Project, including all assistance funds <br />received under this Agreement; <br />iii. Establish separate accounts which will adequately depict all income received <br />which is attributable to the Project, specifically including any income <br />attributable to assistance funds disbursed under this Agreement; <br />iv. Establish an accounting system which will accurately depict final total costs of <br />the Project, including both direct and Indirect Costs; <br />V. Establish such accounts and maintain such records as may be necessary for <br />the State to fulfill federal reporting requirements, including any and all reporting <br />requirements under federal tax statutes or regulations; and <br />vi. If Force Account is used by the Recipient for any phase of the Project, other <br />than for planning, design, and construction engineering and administration <br />provided for by allowance, accounts will be established which reasonably <br />document all employee hours charged to the Project and the associated tasks <br />performed by each employee. <br />(d) The Recipient must maintain separate books, records and other material relative to the Project. <br />The Recipient must also retain such books, records, and other material for itself and for each contractor <br />or subcontractor who performed or performs work on this project for a minimum of thirty-six (36) years <br />after Completion of Construction. The Recipient must require that such books, records, and other material <br />are subject at all reasonable times (at a minimum during normal business hours) to inspection, copying, <br />and audit by the State Water Board, the California State Auditor, the Bureau of State Audits, the United <br />States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the Office of Inspector General, the Internal Revenue <br />Service, the Governor, or any authorized representatives of the aforementioned. The Recipient must <br />allow and must require its contractors to allow interviews during normal business hours of any employees <br />who might reasonably have information related to such records. The Recipient agrees to include a similar <br />duty regarding audit, interviews, and records retention in any contract or subcontract related to the <br />performance of this Agreement. The provisions of this section survive the term of this Agreement. <br />Exhibit C <br />
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