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2023-006 - Automated Meter Infrastructure Project
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2023-006 - Automated Meter Infrastructure Project
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City of Santa Ana <br />Agreement No.: D2202006 <br />Project No.: 3010038-002C <br />Page 48 of 49 <br />the Obligation has been fully retired which may be used to pay the Payments, the Recipient will invest such <br />sinking fund and pledged fund moneys at a yield that does not exceed the yield on the Bonds. <br />F.18 Reserve Amount. <br />The State Water Board requires that the Recipient maintain and fund a separate account in an amount equal to <br />one (1) year of debt service with respect to the Obligation (the "Reserve Amount") as set forth in Exhibit B. The <br />Recipient represents that the Reserve Amount is and will be available to pay debt service with respect to the <br />Obligation, if and when needed. The Reserve Amount consists solely of revenues of the Recipient and does not <br />include any proceeds of any obligations the interest on which is excluded from gross income for federal income <br />tax purposes or investment earnings thereon. The aggregate of the Reserve Amount, up to an amount not <br />exceeding the lesser of (i) ten percent of the aggregate principal amount of the Obligation, (ii) the maximum <br />annual debt service with respect to the Obligation, or (iii) 125 percent of the average annual debt service with <br />respect to the Obligation, will be treated as a reasonably required reserve fund. <br />F.19 Reimbursement Resolution. <br />The "reimbursement resolution" adopted by the Recipient is incorporated herein by reference. <br />F.20 Reimbursement Expenditures. <br />Reimbursements are disallowed, except as specifically authorized in Exhibit B or Exhibit D of this Agreement. To <br />the extent so authorized, a portion of the Bond Funded Portion of the Project Funds may be applied to reimburse <br />the Recipient for Project Costs paid before the date hereof, so long as the Project Cost was (i) not paid prior to <br />sixty (60) days before the Recipient's adoption of a declaration of official intent to finance the Project, (ii) not paid <br />more than eighteen (18) months prior to the date hereof or the date the Project was placed -in-service, whichever <br />is later, and (iii) not paid more than three (3) years prior to the date hereof (collectively, "Reimbursement <br />Expenditures"), unless such cost is attributable to a "preliminary expenditure." Preliminary expenditure for this <br />purpose means architectural, engineering, surveying, soil testing and similar costs incurred prior to the <br />commencement of construction or rehabilitation of the Project, but does not include land acquisition, site <br />preparation and similar costs incident to the commencement of acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of the <br />Project. Preliminary expenditures may not exceed 20% of the Bond Funded Portion of the Project Funds. <br />F.21 Change in Use of the Project. <br />The Recipient reasonably expects to use all of the Bond Funded Portion of the Project Funds and the Project for <br />the entire stated term to maturity of the Obligation. Absent an opinion of Nationally -Recognized Bond Counsel to <br />the effect that such use of the Bond Funded Portion of the Project Funds will not adversely affect the exclusion <br />from federal gross income of interest on the Bonds pursuant to Section 103 of the Code, the Recipient will use the <br />Bond Funded Portion of the Project Funds and the Project solely as set forth in this Agreement. <br />F.22 Rebate Obligations. <br />If the Recipient satisfies the requirements of one of the spending exceptions to rebate specified in Section 1.148-7 <br />of the Treasury Regulations, amounts earned from investments, if any, acquired with the Bond Funded Portion of <br />the Project Funds will not be subject to the rebate requirements imposed under Section 148(f) of the Code. If the <br />Recipient fails to satisfy such requirements for any period, it will notify the State Water Board and the Bank <br />immediately and will comply with the provisions of the Code and the Treasury Regulations at such time, including <br />the payment of any rebate amount calculated by the State Water Board or the Bank. <br />F.23 No Federal Guarantee. <br />The Recipient will not directly or indirectly use any of the Bond Funded Portion of the Project Funds in any <br />manner that would cause the Bonds to be "federally guaranteed" within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the <br />Code, taking into account various exceptions including any guarantee related to investments during an initial <br />temporary period until needed for the governmental purpose of the Bonds, investments as part of a bona fide debt <br />Exhibit F <br />
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