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ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT <br />Housing Element Implementation <br />Jurisdiction Santa Ana <br />Reporting Year 2022 Jan.1- Dec.31 <br />Table D <br />Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583 <br />Housing Programs Progress Report <br />Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. <br />1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />Name of Program <br />Objective <br />Timeframe in H.E <br />Status of Program Implerlilliptation <br />18. Zoning Code Update <br />A. Comprehensively update the Zoning Code and design standards to <br />1211/2023 <br />Funding has been secured for the comprehensive update of the Zoning Code. In 2022, PBA drafted a RFP to solicit services to begin the community <br />achieve consistency with the updated General Plan land use <br />engagement phase of the project and drafting of the update. The RFP has been released and proposals are due to the City on April 13, 2023. Through <br />designations and goals, and to comply with new state laws such as AB <br />the Zoning Code update, the City will analyze and, if appropriate, update its design standards. <br />1397, AB 139, AB 101, AB 2162, and the Employee Housing Act. <br />19. Building Design <br />A. Create comprehensive objective design standards as part of the <br />12/1/2023 <br />Funding has been secured for the comprehensive update of the Zoning Code. In 2022, PBA drafted a RFP to solicit services to begin the community <br />Standards <br />Zoning Code Update (see program 18) to address the unique needs of <br />engagement phase of the project and drafting of the update. The RFP has been released and proposals are due to the City on April 13, 2023. Through <br />residential/mixed-use products and provide a level of development <br />the Zoning Code update, the City will analyze and, if appropriate, update its design standards. <br />design certainty to the community and developers alike. <br />19. Building Design <br />B. Create new Active Design Guidelines and accompanying incentives <br />12/112023 <br />Funding has been secured for the comprehensive update of the Zoning Code. In 2022, PBA drafted a RFP to solicit services to begin the community <br />Standards <br />as part of the Zoning Code Update (see program 18) to encourage and <br />engagement phase of the project and drafting of the update. The RFP has been released and proposals are due to the City on April 13, 2023. Through <br />foster housing designs that improve health and wellness. <br />the Zoning Code update, the City will analyze and, if appropriate, update its design standards. <br />20. Development Review <br />A. Create a checklist of healthy design components based on the <br />611/2024 <br />Funding has been secured for the comprehensive update of the Zoning Code. In 2022, PBA drafted a RFP to solicit services to begin the community <br />adopted Active Design Guidelines in the Zoning Code Update (see <br />engagement phase of the project and drafting of the update. The RFP has been released and proposals are due to the City on April 13, 2023. Through <br />program 18) to allow implementation healthy community components into <br />the Zoning Code update, the City will analyze and, if appropriate, update its design standards. <br />new projects. <br />20. Development Review <br />B. Develop recommendations for additional resources to support <br />12/112023 <br />In 2022, PBA made two part-time planning positions full-time in an effort to expedite review and provide more efficient services at its public counter. <br />expedited and efficient development project review, such as an applicant <br />Additionally, PBA staff utilized funding secured through Orange County Council of Governments' (OCCOG's) Regional Early Planning Grant (REAP) to <br />guide or additional staffing. <br />augment its ADU review program with consultant services. The consultant hired by OCCOG is expected to start review of ADU plans in early 2023. <br />City Council 8 — 97 3/21/2023 <br />