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ELEMENT <br />REF # <br />EJ <br />IMPLEMENTATION ACTION <br />AGENCY <br />TIME <br />2022 UPDATE <br />FRAME <br />Conservation <br />4.1 <br />No <br />Water education. Provide educational outreach materials <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />Continued to provide educational outreach materials for residents and <br />for residents and businesses on proper water use and <br />businesses on proper water use and other water conservation practices. <br />other water conservation practices. <br />Conservation <br />4.3 <br />No <br />Green stormwater management. Identify opportunities <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />In 2022, the City was awarded $1.49 million of competitive statewide grant <br />for the installation of stormwater best management <br />funding for a stormwater capture and urban greening project. The City also hired <br />practices in the public rights -of -way, parking lots, parks, or <br />a consultant to draft a Stormwater Project Master Plan, which includes a <br />public buildings, for inclusion into the Capital <br />detailed analysis of the City to identify optimal locations for stormwater BMP <br />Improvement Program. <br />projects. <br />Conservation <br />4.4 <br />No <br />Water recycling. Pursue funding to implement the first <br />PWA <br />2023 <br />Continued to pursue grant funds to implement the Recycled Water Master Plan. <br />phase of the City of Santa Ana Recycled Water Master <br />Plan, with an emphasis on local water recycling programs <br />and cooperation with regional water recycling efforts. <br />Economic <br />3.5 <br />Yes <br />Green business incentives. Continue to promote and <br />CDA <br />Ongoing <br />Economic Development Division staff continued marketing the Recycling Market <br />Prosperity <br />market the Recycling Market Development Zone. Develop <br />Development Zone (RMDZ) to existing "green" businesses in the City by <br />an incentive program to encourage nonpolluting industry <br />connecting them with staff from the state to discuss low interest loans and other <br />and clean green technology companies that reduce <br />recycling incentives available to local businesses, and coordinated with Planning <br />environmental impacts and the carbon footprint to locate <br />and Building staff to streamline development proposals. <br />to the city. Encourage existing businesses to invest in <br />technology and best practice to transition to sustainable <br />business practices. <br />Economic <br />1.2 <br />No <br />Fiscal impacts of land use changes. Document the <br />CDA <br />2021 <br />Economic Development Division staff continued to monitor new developments <br />Prosperity <br />potential economic and fiscal impacts associated with <br />with land use change implications in the City and provided economic and fiscal <br />significant land use plan amendments involving land use <br />data on their impacts. <br />or intensity revisions <br />Economic <br />1.3 <br />No <br />Economic indicators. Explore the use of key economic <br />CDA <br />2022 <br />Economic Development Division staff regularly updated and provided local <br />Prosperity <br />indicators to identify the need for new strategies and <br />demographic reports for City Council and other City departments. <br />establish priorities for public investment. This data will be <br />used in the development of the City's Economic <br />Development Strategy Plan and also updated bi-annually <br />on the City's economic development website <br />10 <br />City Council 8 — 40 3/21/2023 <br />