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ELEMENT <br />REF # <br />EJ <br />IMPLEMENTATION ACTION <br />AGENCY <br />TIME <br />2022 UPDATE <br />FRAME <br />Land Use <br />3.22 <br />Yes <br />Public health outcomes. Support the Orange County <br />PBA <br />2022 & <br />The City's EJ Office (NIES) staff worked with the OCHCA on their Childhood Lead <br />Health Care Agency in their role in investigating <br />Ongoing <br />Poisoning Prevention team to help reach out to EJ communities at special <br />public complaints regarding unsafe lead work practices <br />events. Planning efforts are underway to outreach new residential lead testing <br />and lead hazards wherein children are present, <br />and abatement contractor - Azure Community Development - to provide <br />through enforcement of local housing standards to assure <br />services to 50 families in Santa Ana in 2023. <br />healthy outcomes, including for individuals <br />and households presenting with concerns about lead <br />exposure and/or with confirmed lead levels of >3.5ug/dL, <br />which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention <br />indicates as the threshold for follow-up and case <br />management in children. <br />Land Use <br />3.23 <br />Yes <br />Agency permits. Work with South Coast Air Quality <br />PBA <br />2022 <br />NEIS staff investigated properties of concern from residents and organizations <br />Management District and Orange County Health Care <br />with respective agencies and the DOA EJ Coordinator for the Central District - <br />Agency to evaluate existing special permit process and <br />Asst. U.S. Attorney Amanda Bettinelli. NIES created two interactive maps that <br />criteria for approval, and identify potential policy changes <br />provide a centralized list of agency permits issued to businesses to help <br />to minimize issuance of special permits with potential <br />understand the universe of special permits issued in EJ areas in Santa Ana. <br />health impacts. <br />Land Use <br />3.24 <br />Yes <br />Public health. Partner with Orange County Health Care <br />PBA <br />2022- <br />NIES hosted collaboration meetings with OCHCA and community serving <br />Agency and community serving organizations to evaluate <br />2024 <br />organizations to strategize and synergize efforts to improve public health related <br />best practices and benefits of preparing a Public Health <br />to environmental pollution. <br />Plan to address environmental hazards in Santa Ana, with <br />special focus in environmental justice communities. <br />Conduct public meetings to gather information and <br />present preliminary findings. <br />Land Use <br />3.25 <br />Yes <br />Engage EJ communities. Work with community serving <br />PBA <br />2022 <br />NIES rolled out an Environmental Resources page with visuals, maps, reporting <br />organizations, neighborhood leaders, and residents to <br />tools, and other content regarding EJ issues and EJ Disadvantaged Communities. <br />form an Ad Hoc Committee to develop ongoing EJ <br />Furthermore, NIES staff have provided trainings and updates at neighborhood <br />Community Engagement programs for existing and new <br />meetings in EJ areas regarding the new focus and future opportunities to bring <br />disadvantaged EJ communities, including multilingual <br />more resources and attention to EJ issues in the respective communities. <br />communication protocols. Host quarterly Roundtable <br />meetings with local stakeholders to guide and evaluate <br />implementation of environmental justice policies. <br />18 <br />City Council 8 — 48 3/21/2023 <br />