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g ' <br />Ontario • San Diego • Irvine • Pasadena • Fresno <br />Sacramento •Pleasanton <br />C� Fire Safery•System Integ ators Telephone: (877) 331-2084 • Fax: (909) 628-7774 <br />Terms & Conditions <br />1. TERM: The original term of this Agreement is 12 months, starting the month during which services commence. The term will <br />automatically renew itself for an additional 36 momonths from the last day of the original term or any renewal term unless either <br />you or we give the other at least 30 days prior written notice of its intention to cancel the Agreement at the end of the original <br />term or at the end of the applicable renewal term. <br />2. Customer agrees: <br />• To provide free access to all areas of the facility covered by the fire alarm system. Where necessary, the customer will <br />provide a person familiar with the facility who can gain access to all areas; <br />• To provide the necessary equipment or lifts to reach inaccessible equipment and peripherals; <br />• To supply suitable electrical service, and; <br />• That in the event of any emergency orsystem failure, reasonable safety precautions will be taken to protect life and property <br />(including fire watch) during the period of time from when HCI is first notified of the emergency or failure and until such time <br />that HCI notifies the customer that the system is operational or that the emergency has cleared. <br />3. This Agreement assumes the system covered is in maintainable condition. If repairs are found necessary upon inspection, a <br />proposal for repair at an additional cost will be submitted for approval. Should such repair proposal be declined, those non - <br />maintainable items will be removed from the service agreement and the contract amount adjusted accordingly. <br />4. It is understood that repair, replacement and emergency service provisions apply only to the systems and equipment covered <br />by this agreement and identified in the List of Covered Equipment. Repair or replacement of non -maintainable parts of the <br />system such as, but not limited to, unit cabinets, insulating materials, electrical wiring, structural supports and other non-moving <br />parts, is expressly excluded from this Agreement. <br />5. Emergency Service Exclusions. Emergency Service does not include travel expense, material and labor charges required as a <br />result of accident, fire, stone, water, negligence, misuse, vandalism, power failure, source current Fluctuations, lighting surges, <br />any failure whatsoever resulting in whole or in part from a non-HCI installation, parts, service, attachments, or devices, or any <br />other cause external to the equipment. Emergency Service will be provided in accordance with the description provided in <br />Scope of Work. All services will be provided during normal business hours unless outlined elsewhere in this agreement. <br />6. If HCI tests a system that was not installed by HCI, HCI assumes no liability for that system either in whole or in part, and we <br />expressly disclaim any liability orwarranty, as such system or any of its components not installed by us. Any components that <br />are installed by us or repaired by us are subject to the limited warranty given in the applicable repair agreement. It Is not our <br />duty to Investigate or inquire Into your legal obligations to any third party with respect to any system that we inspect, <br />or any of Its components not installed by us, and you agree to provide third party Indemnification to HCI in the event <br />of any third party claims arising out of testing under this agreement. <br />7. HCI may transfer or assign this Agreement to any other fire alarm company or financing institution without notice to you. You <br />may not transfer this Agreement to someone else (including someone who purchases or leases or subleases your premises) <br />unless we pre -approve the transfer in writing. We may use subcontractors to provide the services herein. <br />8. HCI will not reload software, nor make repairs or replacements necessitated by reason of negligence or misuse of the <br />equipment by others, or caused by lightning, electrical storm, or other violent weather, or by any cause beyond HCI control <br />except ordinary wear and tear. <br />9. The customer shall promptly notify HCI of any malfunction in the system(s) that comes to the customer's attention. HCI will not <br />be responsible for fire watch in the event of system failure. <br />10. It is mutually understood that in providing the services Included in this agreement, HCI is not an insurer and does not <br />guarantee any damage to property or injury to person will not occur. <br />11. Multiyear Agreements: HCI shall modify the annual amount at the renewal date and the Agreement shall otherwise continue <br />without change. However, the customer may notify HCI within 30 days of receipt of the modification of a decision to terminate <br />or renegotiate the services being provided, rather than accept the new amount. Standard HCI labor rates for service repair and <br />maintenance work are subject to change for the duration of this agreement. <br />12. Neither HCI or its representative shall be liable to the purchaser or anyone else for any liability, claim, loss, damage or expense <br />of any kind, or for any direct, consequential, collateral or incidental damages, relative to or arising from or caused directly by <br />the equipment, its installation, its service, or the use thereof or any deficiency, defect or inadequacy of the equipment. It is <br />expressly agreed that purchaser's exclusive remedy for any cause of action relating to the purchase, installation, service and/or <br />use of equipment shall be for damages and HCI liability for any and all losses or damages resulting from any cause <br />whatsoever, including negligence, shall in no event exceed the price of the service agreement for the equipment in respect to <br />which the claim is made or, at the election of HCI, the restoration or replacement or repair of such equipment. <br />13. Fire watch is excluded. <br />V 082622.1, Quoted 9/16/22 Page 5 of 6 <br />