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City Council (2004 - Present)
05/16/2023 Special and Regular & Special HA
Correspondence - Non-Agenda
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12/12/2023 4:37:46 PM
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5/11/2023 2:13:45 PM
City Clerk
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949-537-9333 <br />On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 3:10 PM Farhad Mafie <> wrote: <br />Dear Hon. Mayor and Dear Hon. City Council Members, <br />As you may know, it has been over six months since the 22-year-old Mahsa Amini has been brutally <br />beaten and murdered in the Barbaric Criminal Islamic Republic of Iran. She died while she was in <br />morality police custody after being detained for not wearing her Islamic hijab appropriately. <br />After her death, Iranians took to the streets across the country, calling for regime change in Iran! <br />We been having mass uprising and peaceful demonstrations (mostly lead by Iranian women) in 160 <br />cities and 140 universities in Iran. Over 20,000 people have been arrested and over 500 people <br />including 70 kids have been brutally murdered. Unfortunately, the execution by hanging of jailed <br />protesters has begun and over 20,000 are awaiting this inhumane fate in the Islamic Iran's prisons. <br />This is nothing new for this criminal barbaric regime; they massacred over 30,000 prisoners in 1988 <br />and now, they are trying to do the same! Please see: https://www.hrw.orci/news/2022/06/08/irans- <br />1988-mass-executions <br />As you may know, the Barbaric Criminal Islamic Regime in Iran that denies the Holocaust, have <br />created Iran's Auschwitz for High School Girls in Iran! Thousands of schoolgirls have been poisoned <br />by toxic gas in Islamic Iran since November 2022, in a deliberate attempt to force the schoolgirls to <br />comply with the Islamic Hijab! Many have suffered respiratory problems, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, <br />etc., while the civilized world is simply watching! Please see an example: <br />https://www. <br />at-iran-girls-schools <br />From day one, Iranians living in exile have been protesting against the brutal criminal Islamic <br />regime of Iran. The United Nations voted to expel Islamic regime from Commission on the Status of <br />Women because it "continuously undermines and increasingly suppresses the human rights of <br />women and girls," according to the resolution adopted on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. The <br />U.N.'s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) voted in favor of a U.S.-drafted resolution to expel <br />Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women for the remaining of its 2022-2026 elected term. <br />This was a major victory for Iranians and all those who believe in Human Rights! Please see: <br /> <br />rcna61710 <br />As business owner that works directly with many high-tech businesses in Santa Ana, and <br />as an Iranian American voter, I am asking you that at the next city council meeting please <br />put forth a resolution condemning the Islamic Republic of Iran for these horrible crimes <br />
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