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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Alta Baja Market <> <br />Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 2:54 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: ecomment regarding Tiaguis market <br />Good Afternoon - <br />My name is Delilah Snell. I am the owner of Alta Baja Market, I have done large-scale art/craft markets in our <br />downtown and before that, I helped to start the first farmers' market for this city. <br />I am writing because it has come to my attention that the Tianguis market is wanting to continue to close down <br />French weekly for its "farmers' market". <br />I'm writing as a downtown business owner who has seen how continued street closures over the past couple of <br />years have hurt businesses who were just coming back from the pandemic. <br />- is this really worth closing down a street on a weekly basis? Downtown already has suffered from street <br />closures and we continue to endure disruption. Many businesses have closed over the past months, and <br />continued street closures do nothing to help them. <br />- Neither myself nor my neighbors receive any added value of business from this event. My customers who <br />have visited this event come back saying that it's not a farmers market and are disappointed. <br />There are many open spaces in the city that can host Tianguis on a weekly basis and not impact businesses. We <br />do not need a weekly event like this one in downtown, and more importantly, we need our streets to be open. <br />Thank you. <br />i Salud! <br />Alta Baja Market <br />Market + cafe celebrating the flavors above and below the US//MX border <br />Order our book: Beginner's Guide to Preserving <br />201 E. 4th St, ste 101 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />714.783.2252 (BAJA) <br />@altabajamarket <br />