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S.Coverage Territory Î Limited Worldwide <br />Paragraph 4. under Section V Î Definitions is deleted and replaced by the following: <br />4."Coverage territory" means all parts of the world. <br />However, ÐcoverageterritoryÑ does not include any: <br />a.ÐBodily injuryÑ or Ðproperty damageÑ that takes place or any offense committed outside of the United States of <br />America (including its possessions and territories), Canada and Puerto Rico, unless the insuredÓs responsibility <br />to pay damages is determined by a ÐsuitÑ on the merits that is brought in the United States of America <br />(including its possessions and territories), Canada or Puerto Rico; or <br />b.Injury or damage in connection with any ÐsuitÑ brought outside the United States of America (including its <br />possessions and territories), Canada and Puerto Rico. <br />T.Insured Contract Amended Î Railroad Limitations Removed <br />Paragraph 9. under Section V Î Definitions is deleted and replaced by the following: <br />9."Insured contract" means: <br />a.A lease of premises; <br />b.A sidetrack agreement; <br />c.An easement or license agreement; <br />d.An obligation, as required by ordinance, to indemnify a municipality, except in connection with work for a <br />municipality; <br />e.An elevator maintenance agreement; or <br />f.Any other contract or agreement pertaining to your business (including an indemnification of a <br />municipality in connection with work performed for such municipality) in which you assume the tort <br />liability of another person or organization to pay damages, to which this insurance applies, sustained by a <br />third person or organization. <br />ÐInsuredcontractÑ does not include that part of any contract or agreement that indemnifies an architect, <br />engineer or surveyor for damages arising out of: <br />(1)Preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field <br />orders, change orders, designs or specifications; or <br />(2)Giving directions or instructions, or failing to give them. <br />All Other Terms And Conditions Remain Unchanged. <br />Authorized Representative <br />CzDzouijbNpsbbu5;29qn-Opw2:-3135 <br />CB CG 04 0001 0320 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, with its permission. Page 9 of 9 <br />