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PROPOSAL FOR <br />On -Call Environmental services <br />RFP NO 21-105 <br />document including, as appropriate, publication of notices in the newspaper, and posting of notices with the <br />County Clerk and the State Clearinghouse. <br />Public Involvement/Outreach: - Public involvement is a critical component of the CEQA process. We <br />develop thoughtful public involvement programs, compile mailing lists, prepare public notices, distribute <br />review documents, prepare outreach materials, develop web sites, and organize and facilitate public <br />meetings. Tetra Tech has extensive experience facilitating public meetings for scoping and draft document <br />hearings including preparing and conducting presentations. <br />Final Environmental Document: Upon receipt of public comments on the draft public document, Tetra Tech <br />will organize and bracket each comment for easy review by the City. Tetra Tech will meet with the City to <br />discuss the appropriate response to substantive comments. Tetra Tech will provide a draft response to each <br />comment in a response to comments table and will incorporate text changes into an administrative final <br />document, where necessary, in strikeout/double underline format for easy review. Tetra Tech will provide the <br />response to comments table and administrative final document to the City for review and comment. <br />Comments on the administrative final document will be incorporated into a screencheck final document. <br />Upon final decision -maker action on the final document, Tetra Tech will prepare a Final ND, MND, or EIR <br />documenting any changes to the document. <br />If Statements of Overriding Consideration and Findings of Fact are required for a project, Tetra Tech can <br />prepare a draft version of this document for review and comment. <br />NEPA Documents <br />A NEPA document would be required if there is a federal nexus such as federal funding provided for a <br />project. During project kick-off, Tetra Tech will meet with the City to determine if a NEPA document is <br />required, and if so, at what level. The types of NEPA documents that may be needed include: Categorical <br />Exclusion, EA/Finding of No Significant Impact, or EIS/Record of Decision. Below is a summary of the <br />general tasks to be completed for an EA or EIS, in conjunction with the appropriate CEQA document: <br />• Conduct project startup <br />• Set up administrative record database <br />• Initial coordination with the City and NEPA Lead Agency <br />• Prepare project description, purpose, need, and alternatives <br />• Prepare Notice of Intent <br />• Conduct scoping meeting/public workshops, as needed <br />• Prepare Draft EA or EIS <br />• Analyze project action and alternatives <br />• Prepare other required sections <br />• Submit screencheck Draft EA or EIS for review <br />• Prepare public review Draft EA or EIS <br />• Conduct scoping meeting/public workshops, as needed <br />• Prepare Final EA/Finding of No Significant Impact or Final EIS/Record of Decision <br />• Complete and finalize administrative record <br />Attendance at Meetings <br />Tetra Tech keeps clients updated on project activities through conference calls and e-mail messages. <br />Depending on the scope of each task assignment, the frequency of project coordination calls and meetings <br />and the preferred method of communication between management and resource staff may vary. Specific <br />City of Santa Ana 19 TETRA TECH <br />