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C/VA <br />Contractors' General Liability Extension Endorsement <br />(b) any organization for which coverage is excluded by another endorsement attached to this Coverage <br />Part. <br />For the purpose of this provision, management control means: <br />A. owning interests representing more than 60% of the voting, appointment or designation power for the <br />selection of a majority of the Board of Directors of a corporation; or <br />B. having the right, pursuant to a written trust agreement, to protect, control the use of, encumber or <br />transfer or sell property held by a trust. <br />4. With respect to organizations which qualify as Named Insureds by virtue of Paragraph 3. above, this <br />insurance does not apply to: <br />a. bodily injury or property damage that first occurred prior to the date of management control, or that <br />first occurs after management control ceases; nor <br />b. personal or advertising injury caused by an offense that first occurred prior to the date of <br />management control or that first occurs after management control ceases. <br />5. The insurance provided by this Coverage Part applies to Named Insureds when trading under their own <br />names or under such other trading names or doing -business -as names (dba) as any Named Insured <br />should choose to employ. <br />6. BROADENED LIABILITY COVERAGE FOR DAMAGE TO YOUR PRODUCT AND YOUR WORK <br />A. Under COVERAGES, Coverage A — Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled <br />Exclusions is amended to delete exclusions k. and I. and replace them with the following: <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />k. Damage to Your Product <br />Property damage to your product arising out of it, or any part of it except when caused by or resulting <br />from: <br />(1) fire; <br />(2) smoke; <br />(3) collapse; or <br />(4) explosion. <br />I. Damage to Your Work <br />Property damage to your work arising out of it, or any part of it and included in the products -completed <br />operations hazard. <br />This exclusion does not apply: <br />(1) If the damaged work, or the work out of which the damage arises, was performed on the Named <br />Insured's behalf by a subcontractor; or <br />(2) If the cause of loss to the damaged work arises as a result of: <br />(a) fire; <br />(b) smoke; <br />(c) collapse; or <br />(d) explosion. <br />B. The following paragraph is added to LIMITS OF INSURANCE: <br />CNA74706XX (1-1 <br />Page 5 of 17 <br />Policy No: 7018007493 <br />Insured Name: Effective Date: 02/01/2022 <br />Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance services Office, Inc., with Its permission. <br />