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All of the 7:5 cities we analyze have balanced budget requirements, which are in place lu assert future <br />financial €lifficu[ties and to enhance accountability- As the Gawernrewntal Accounting Standards How fI <br />(GASS) points out, the , rc-,tluiremenis are "to requimi financing and slxcnding practices that c tmblr° <br />governmental entities to avoid financial difficulty and to livq within their mans," <br />AwAher objective of ba landed budget requirements is accountability; elected officials should be accountal-)le <br />frrr ihr, tax dollars they sswnd. Formv-r U.S, Treasury caff-rc.:iat Fra4 Gwanaugh said it hest' Politiciartis should <br />not liovv ilie pleasure of spending (geiting woes) without the. pain of'taxing (bring vvtest,k <br />By de4init iorl, if as city has a balanced but3w r"uirertwi, then sl ndFng should not exceed can *A revenue <br />brotIgN in during a specific year, BI lanced hudget rrerluirenterrts are meant preventelecW officials from <br />shifting theburden of payingforcuuent-yelrservices unto (uture-year laxpa)Trs. <br />So how can cities claim their budgets are balanced while our r"rt AKm,s marry of them are in debt?The <br />answer is in the accounting tricks used io calculate budgets. <br />Municipalities balance budgets by using accounting tricks such as the (ollawing: <br />s Inflating revenue assumptions <br />* Count!ng borrowed money as income <br />* Undersiating the true costs of government <br />+ Belaying the payment of current bills until the start of the next fiscal year so they aren't included in the <br />catculations <br />The mast cormn-wm accounting trick cities use is to hide -employee benefits such as healthcare, life insurance, <br />and pensions, from the current budgeting process by not acknowledging they exist. Cities become obligated <br />to pay fcxr these benefits as employms earn there_ Although these rc.Mirement benefits will not be paid <br />until the emplcxym retire, they still represent current compensation costs because they were earned and <br />incurred thn xighout the empleq*0 tenure, Furthermore, that vnni ey mum be pal init i the rulirument fund <br />to acc urmu late investment earnings_ Unfortunately, some etected officials have used portions of the nxir y <br />(3%VLXl to txtnsion and OFEB Binds in keep tam low and pity far politically fx-)pular programs. Instead of <br />funding promised benefits now, they have been charged to future taxpayers, Shifting these payments to future <br />taxpayers allows the budget to appear balanced while city debt is increasing, <br />wernmen% are able to accumulate debt While c:ta iming halantwf I I srid gets h auu?. the Vast rriakttity of <br />buclfwts are prepared on the cash -basis. This is an aatirtuaterf acroaintin, method chat includes cash inflows, <br />including loan prod as revenue, and otgi<lowt—in [3t!roer wrartl , r�r4 CheelC% +Wilteri. <br />Wv rvi-ommend FACT -based budgeting and accountinL& .which stands for (till accrual taltufatians a:rid <br />techniques tFACTI. FACTS budVing and accounting turves beyond cash -basis to provide More n0ijbte <br />and truthful budgeting and financial reporting €k curnents. <br />This is the motivation and foundation for the rorapartisara mission of TIA: to educate and empower citizens <br />with understandable, reliable, and tramparent gavennment financial information. TIA is a 501Icl(3) nonprofit, <br />nonpartisan orgaoisitian composed cd business, community, and academic leaders interested in improving <br />government financial reporting. TiA makes no policy recommendations beyond improvements to budgeting <br />and accounting practices that will enhance the public's understanding of gowrnmeot finances, <br />,MMCPAIMI, <br />12 <br />