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Semester Hour System Unit <br />HealthStaff has adopted the semester credit unit basis of measuring student progress. One reason for adopting <br />this system is that it makes it clearer when calculating a student's Grade Point Average (GPA). A credit unit is <br />based on the following: <br />1 semester credit unit ... 15 hours of classroom instruction/lecture <br />1 semester credit unit ... 30 hours of supervised laboratory/practical instruction <br />1 semester credit unit ... 45 hours of supervised externship at an approved facility <br />A clock hour is defined as a period of 60 minutes with a minimum of fifty minutes of classroom instruction, <br />laboratory, or other academic related work. <br />Grades are based on the result of written tests, laboratory final exams, daily classroom assignments, practical <br />check -off and completion of homework assignments. Final grades are reported at the end of each course and <br />posted to the student's permanent academic record. <br />Attendance Procedure <br />Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes. It is the responsibility of a student to telephone <br />in advance to advise the school when he/she will be absent or late. All students are considered full-time status, <br />which is defined as the enrollment of at least 20 hours per week. <br />• Students may not be absent more than five (5) consecutive days in a module/subject. After five <br />consecutive days of absences, the student will be counseled and/or placed on probation. <br />• A student absent for three (3) consecutive weeks (15 scheduled class days) will be terminated. <br />At midpoint of the program, a student's overall attendance percentage is determined. If the minimum is not <br />achieved the student will be counseled and/or placed on probation. <br />A class may be canceled or rescheduled if there is insufficient enrollment in the first session not to exceed thirty <br />(30) days. If a class reschedule date exceeds thirty (30) days, the students' enrollment will be terminated. <br />Students will be required to complete a new enrollment agreement. <br />Daily Attendance <br />Instructors will take student attendance on a daily basis. Daily attendance records become part of the student's <br />permanent record. The student may make arrangements with the instructor to make up the work and/or time <br />missed during this period. <br />All students (except Phlebotomy Technician 1) must have a minimum of 80% attendance of the total clock <br />hours in order to graduate. Phlebotomy Technician I students are required to have 100% attendance and <br />cannot be late or leave early in order to graduate. If a phlebotomy student misses a class or is one minute or <br />more late to class, or leaves class one minute or more early, the student must make up the same entire day <br />that was missed when the class rotates through it again. There will be no exceptions made as this is mandated <br />by the California Department of Public Health. <br />Online/Hybrid Students <br />It is a requirement that students must have access to a computer with internet access. Each module is presented <br />with lessons, assignments, handouts, and modular testing. Instructor will review educational activity on a weekly <br />basis. This will include message board, live classroom, and chat room forum with instructor and fellow <br />classmates. Instructor is available during regular business hours for telephone communication. Student may <br />SkypeNldeo Conference in to live classroom at any time. HealthStaff Training Institute students receive full <br />access to course curriculum; however, students are to follow their instructor's lead. Students will be emailed <br />progress reports, educational suggestions, and mid -point status. Student lessons or projects submitted to <br />Instructors will be returned to the student within three (3) business days with the instructor's response and <br />evaluations. <br />