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BUSINESS OFFICE ADMINISTRATION <br />Offered Online Only <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION <br />This certificate program provides the necessary knowledge and skills to compete In today's business environment. The program is designed to <br />provide extensive "hands-on" training with today's most popular software programs Included in Microsoft Office programs. Basic office <br />administration skills are also Incorporated into the program including business communication, general office, customer service, human resources, <br />and business law. Upon completion of all requirements the student will be awarded a Certificate. <br />PROGRAM OBJECTIVES <br />This program is designed to teach students the necessary skills in mastering Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel, Access, PowerPolnt,and <br />Outlook. Business specialty skills such as typing, business communications, general office, customer service, and human resources are of primary <br />focus. <br />OCCUPATIONAL OBJECTIVES <br />Graduates will be qualified for entry-level positions in a wide variety of business, technical, industrial, professional, and government positions that <br />require these computer skills. Graduates will be qualified to seek employment in occupational titles orjob descriptions that include; Administrative <br />Assistant, Office Manager, Administrative Manager, Administrative Specialist, Administrator, Director of Operations, Administrative Coordinator, <br />Administrative Director, Administrative Officer. <br />EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS <br />COURSE TITLE/NUMBER <br />LECTURE HOURS <br />LABORATORY HOURS <br />INTERNSHIP HOURS <br />TOTALACADEMIC <br />HOURS & CREDITS <br />CLOCK <br />CREDIT <br />CLOCK <br />CREDIT <br />CLOCK <br />CREDIT <br />CLOCK <br />CREDIT <br />PRO100 Professional Development <br />60 <br />4 <br />30 <br />1 1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />90 <br />5 <br />BUS1001ntro to Computer Applications <br />60 <br />4 <br />30 <br />1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />90 <br />5 <br />BUS102 Business Communications <br />60 <br />4 <br />30 <br />i <br />0 <br />0 <br />90 <br />5 <br />BUS103 Business Law <br />60 <br />4 <br />30 <br />1 1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />90 <br />5 <br />BTA113 Human Resources Fundamentals <br />60 <br />4 <br />30 <br />1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />90 <br />S <br />--BTA114 HumanResourceManagement --- - <br />60-- -- <br />-.-. 4 --- - <br />30--- <br />1 -.. <br />--0 <br />-._. 0- <br />-- 9o- <br />- — 5. <br />BTA115 Intro to Information Technology <br />60 <br />4 <br />30 <br />1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />90 <br />5 <br />CA112 Introduction to Accounting <br />60 <br />4 <br />30 <br />1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />90 <br />5 <br />TOTALS <br />480. <br />32 <br />240 <br />8 <br />0 <br />0 <br />720 <br />40 r. <br />720 HOURS CIP CODE; 52.0401 SOC CODE: 43.4160 / 0*NET: 43-6011.00 <br />MAXIMUM STUDENT/TEACHER RATIO LECTURE-45:1 LAB-24:1 32 WEEKS TO COMPLETE <br />This program prepares graduates for the following occupation: Administrative Assistant: httos://www,`3-6011.00 <br />CLASSROOM/LAB EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES <br />Tables and chairs, White Boards, Projector, Appropriate <br />posters, charts and handouts. Computer lab with <br />computers and printer available to all programs. <br />PROGRAM -SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES <br />No specialized laboratory equipment required. <br />61I'a-z ImcrCra a r'ol lc« • _u �chonl Calalun <br />