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COURSE NUMBER: PT247 <br />COURSE NAME: Procurement & Pharmacylnformatics / Inventory Control & Insurance Billing <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />In this course students will learn to explain cost analysis and cost control, define cost finding and cost factors, discuss the <br />differences between independent and group purchasing, define a "prime supplier.", explain why inventory control is essential <br />in the pharmacy practice, explain inventory errors, and describe the effect of inventory errors on financial statements. In this <br />course, students will learn to explain the terms deductible and premium, describe medical insurance coverage, define group <br />plans and prepaid health plans, explain various types of private health insurance, and discuss managed care programs, <br />government plans, and eligibility criteria for Medicare. <br />COURSE NUMBER: PT248 <br />COURSE NAME: Medical Terminology, Healthcare Law & Ethics <br />PREREQUISITES: NONE <br />In this course, students will learn Medical Terminology, define and spell terms and word parts, analyze, build and pronounce <br />medical words. This course instructs the students in the core skills required of all health care workers. Students will cover the <br />topics of communication, health care systems, legal and ethical responsibilities, and teamwork. <br />77 1 Paps HOW41all Cnllegas School Catalog <br />