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Resolution — Yes, please use the CaIJOBS Detailed Reports > Provider> by Program <br />Performance report. <br />Comment #84— What if a participant used a pseudo SSN in CaIJOBS? <br />Resolution — If the participant has a pseudo SSN, Local Boards should capture employment and <br />wage information in the Follow Up forms, just as they would normally for WIOA performance. <br />WIOA participants will be included in the ETP Report automatically. <br />Comment #85 —Are training providers expected to capture WIOA performance data that is <br />being captured by WIOA case managers (i.e., employment data)? <br />Resolution —Training providers are expected to capture and report aggregate data for all <br />students (WIOA and non-WIOA). <br />Comment #86 — Will the due date for performance be issued as an Information Notice? <br />Resolution — Beginning in PY 21, any provider undergoing initial or continued eligibility review <br />must provide the performance data outlined in this directive. <br />ETP Assurances Form <br />Comment #87 — Does Page 2 have to be filled out for each student who attended during the <br />reporting period? <br />Resolution — No, the CA ETP Assurances Form is just the signed agreement from the provider <br />agreeing they will provide the necessary data elements on the following page. <br />Comment #88 — Does the completed and uploaded CA ETP Assurances Form replace the <br />Performance tab? Or does the information have to be entered in both places? <br />Resolution — The CA ETP Assurances Form is just an agreement that providers will provide the <br />indicated data. The form should be uploaded to the Documents section of the Provider's <br />Profile. The performance data still needs to be submitted in the Performance tab in CaIJOBS. <br />General ETPL Requirements <br />Comment #89 — Due to a combination of performance reporting and the continued eligibility <br />process, Local Boards have seen competition on the ETPL dwindle to very few. This does not <br />promote access and equity. The challenge primarily seems to stem around the accreditation <br />process and reporting. <br />Resolution — It is required per WIOA law, regulations, and guidance that initial eligibility and <br />continued eligibility of providers and programs meet certain requirements, including <br />accreditation and meeting a factor of performance. DOL has also prescribed the requirements <br />of the ETP Report. The state is looking into and open to suggestions on ways to make the <br />required reporting less burdensome. We are also open to ideas and ways to assist Local Boards <br />with advertising the ETPL to providers in their area in an effort to build the list of providers in <br />their area. While a contract is more cumbersome than an ITA, a Local Board has the authority <br />to contract with a provider if they determine there is a lack of providers in their area that offer <br />a specific training program. <br />Page 17 of 25 <br />