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• MODERN T'IECHNOL,OGY SCHOOL -_$&OOL�ATALOG� <br />DRESS CODE POLICY <br />• School uniform with the MTS logo shall be worn at all times on campus <br />• Uniforms must be cleaned and pressed <br />• Shoes must be solid black or solid white closed -toe shoes <br />• No sandals or multicolored shoes <br />• A lab jacket, cardigan, or zip -front sweat can be worn (NO PULLOVER HOODIES OR LOGOS) <br />• A modest amount of jewelry may be worn <br />• No visible body or face piercings, including earplugs <br />• No visible tattoos are permitted during the clinical phase <br />• No artificial nails or long nails <br />• Long hair must be groomed and tied back or up; including class & lab <br />• Hair must be a natural shade of color with an appropriate clinic style <br />• Moderate make-up; limit strong fragrances <br />• Maintain good body hygiene <br />• Students are required to wear student ID at all times on the school premises <br />• Clinic students must wear approved school uniforms any time they are on campus <br />• No baseball caps, hats, or beanies are to be worn inside the building <br />• Facial hair must be kept to a minimum and groomed <br />Students shall observe the dress code at all times. This includes both day & evening classes, arriving <br />or leaving the campus, on class break, & during the proctoring session. <br />Failure to comply with dress codes policy will result in the following: <br />• Students will not be admitted to class and will not receive credit for attendance. <br />• Repeated violations of the established dress code may result in termination from the program for <br />inability to follow protocol. <br />Note: As stated above, variances from the established dress code must be requested in writing and <br />shall be approved by the Program Director. <br />DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY <br />In compliance with the Drug -Free Schools and Communities Act (Public Law 101-26), Modern <br />Technology School prohibits the unlawful possession, use, and/or distribution of illegal drugs, <br />alcohol, and marijuana by students. This includes providing alcoholic beverages or marijuana to a <br />person under 21 and possessing or consuming alcoholic beverages or marijuana by a person under <br />21. Any student who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including permanent <br />expulsion. Students will be subjected to background checks by clinical facilities before entry. <br />No student shall use, sell or be under the influence of drugs, including prescription drugs, alcohol, or <br />marijuana, while on campus, in classrooms, labs, in the parking lot, during the break, or during clinical <br />training hours. Anyone found or suspected of using, selling, or arriving under the influence will be <br />subject to a random drug test at their expense. If a student tests positive for drugs, alcohol, or <br />marijuana, it is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program without chance of reinstatement. <br />Please see the complete drug & alcohol policy outlined in the Annual Safety Report on our website; <br /> <br />SMOKING POLICY <br />MTS is a smoke -free campus —including E-cigarettes. All smoking must be done in the lunch area near <br />the mailboxes on the north side of the complex. Smoking/vaping is not permitted in or near the building. <br />published'Januay 1, 2023/. Nj&five throughpecembe-61, M3 Ali Rightsltese"etl© z.'=,Vt6it as at www,mtsat�ool.cou. <br />