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• Title 20 CFR Part 681: Youth Activities Under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and <br />Opportunity Act (DOL Exceptions), Sections 681.480 and 681.540 <br />• Title 34 CFR Part 600: Definitions (Department of Education), Section 600.2 <br />• Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 8-19, Workforce Innovation and <br />Opportunity Act (W10A) Title I Training Provider Eligibility and State List of Eligible <br />Training Providers (ETPs) and Programs (January 2, 2020) <br />• TEGL 3-18, Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Reporting Guidance under the Workforce <br />Innovation and Opportunity Act (W10A) (August, 31, 2018) <br />• TEGL 19-16, Guidance on Services provided through the Adult and Dislocated Worker <br />Programs under the WIOA and the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Services, as <br />amended by title III of WIOA, and for Implementation of the W10A Final Rules (March 1, <br />2017) <br />• TEGL 13-16, Guidance on Registered Apprenticeship Provisions and Opportunities in the <br />WIOA (January 12, 2017) <br />• California Code of Regulations Division 7.5 <br />• California Education Cade Sections 94801.5, 94850.5, and 94874 <br />• California Unemployment Insurance Code (CUIC)Section 14005 <br />• CUICSection 14230 <br />• Workforce Services Directive WSD22-08, ETPL Reciprocal Agreements (January 17, 2023) <br />• WSD22-01, Performance Guidance (July 18, 2022) <br />• WSD19-10, Recovery of WIOA Tuition and Training Refunds (February 20, 2020) <br />• WSD19-06, CaIJOBS Activity Codes (December 27, 2019) <br />• WSD17-01, Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Procedures (August 1, 2017) <br />• California's Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan <br />BACKGROUND <br />WIOA Section 122 requires states to establish and maintain a list of training providers who are <br />eligible to receive WIOA Title I, subtitle B funds for training services. An America's Job Center of <br />CaliforniasM (AICC) may issue an Individual Training Account (ITA) to a WIOA Title I, subtitle B <br />eligible individual (out of school youth age 16-24, adult or dislocated worker) to fund training <br />services. <br />The Employment Development Department (EDD) is the entity responsible for publishing, <br />disseminating, and maintaining the comprehensive California (CA) ETPL with performance and <br />cost information. In addition, the EDD is responsible for ensuring programs meet the eligibility <br />criteria and performance levels established in this Directive; removing programs that do not <br />meet the program criteria or performance levels established in this Directive; and taking <br />enforcement actions against providers that intentionally provide inaccurate information, or <br />that substantially violate the requirements of WIOA. <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />EXHIBIT C <br />