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25 <br />CCR Title 5, § 71750 - California Code of Regulations Title 5, § 71750 - Withdrawals and Refunds <br />Withdrawals and <br />Refunds <br />(a) Every institution shall make refunds that are no less than the refunds required under the Act and this Division. <br />(b) An institution may not enforce any refund policy that is not specified in the catalog as required pursuant to section <br />94909(a)(8)(B) of the Code, and must refund all institutional charges upon a student's withdrawal. Withdrawal policy <br />procedures pursuant to section 94909(a)((8)(B) of the Code shall include, at a minimum: the acceptable methods of <br />delivery of a notice to withdraw; whether withdrawal can be accomplished by conduct, and if so, how; the position <br />or positions to whom the notice to withdraw must be delivered; and the date that the notice to withdraw is <br />considered effective, which shall be no later than the date received by the institution. <br />(c) A pro rata refund pursuant to section 94919(c) or 94920(d) or 94927 of the Code shall be no less than the total <br />amount owed by the student for the portion of the educational program provided subtracted from the amount <br />paid by the student, calculated as follows: <br />(1) The amount owed equals the daily charge for the program (total institutional charge, divided by the number <br />of days or hours in the program), multiplied by the number of days student attended, or was scheduled to <br />attend, prior to withdrawal. <br />(2) Except as provided for in subdivision (a)(3) of this section, all amounts paid by the student in excess of what is <br />owed as calculated in subdivision (a)(1) shall be refunded. <br />(3) Except as provided herein, all amounts that the student has paid shall be subject to refund unless the enrollment <br />agreement and the refund policy outlined in the catalog specify amounts paid for an application fee or deposit <br />not more than $250,00, books, supplies, or equipment, and specify whether and under what circumstances <br />those amounts are non-refundable. Except when an institution provides a 100% refund pursuant to section <br />94919(d) or section 94920(b) of the Code, any assessment paid pursuant to section 94923 of the Code is non- <br />refundable. <br />(4) For purposes of determining a refund under the Act and this section, a student shall be considered to have <br />withdrawn from an educational program when he or she withdraws or is deemed withdrawn in accordance with <br />the withdrawal policy stated in its catalog. <br />(d) If an institution has collected money from a student for transmittal on the student's behalf to a third partyfor a bond, <br />library usage, or fees fora license, application, or examination and the institution has not paid the money to the third <br />party at the time of the student's withdrawal or cancellation, the institution shall refund the money to the student <br />within 45 days of the student's withdrawal or cancellation. <br />(e) An institution shall refund any credit balance on the student's account within 45 days after the date of the student's <br />completion of, or withdrawal from, the educational program in which the student was enrolled. For purposes of this <br />subdivision and section 94919(d) of the Code, "day" means calendar day. <br />(f) The institution shall maintain a cancellation and withdrawal log, kept current on a monthly basis, which shall include <br />the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and dates of cancellations or withdrawal of all students who have <br />cancelled the enrollment agreement with, or withdrawn from, the institution during the calendar year. <br />If the student has completed more than 60% of the period of attendance, tuition is considered fully earned, and no <br />refund will be issued. <br />Visa Services and Fee At Learnet, we are not involved in any visa services nor vouch for student status. However, <br />we do charge $200 of Initial 1-20 Processing Fee per student's request to issue an 1-20 form <br />for an F-1 visa student. <br />Last Revision Date on April 4, 2023 <br />