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7R <br />Good <br />83-86 <br />B <br />3.0 point <br />Better than Average <br />80-82 <br />B- <br />2.7 point <br />Above Average <br />77-79 <br />C+ <br />2.3 point <br />Average <br />73-76 <br />C <br />2.0 point <br />Below Average <br />70-72 <br />C- <br />1.7 point <br />Weak <br />67-69 <br />D+ <br />1.3 point <br />Poor <br />63-66 <br />D <br />1.0 point <br />Barely Passing <br />60-62 <br />D- <br />0.7 point <br />Fail <br />0-59 <br />F <br />0.0 point <br />All grades appear on the official transcripts and are used in calculating the grade point <br />average. Student progress and grade reports become part of the student's permanent record <br />and all grades received are posted on the Student Record. Please note that students in the <br />MBA program must complete their program with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in order to be <br />eligible to graduate. Therefore, students who earn too many grades of C or D may not have <br />a high enough GPA to graduate and may need to repeat coursework. <br />Additional codes represented on the academic transcript: <br />I — Incomplete, credits/hours not earned. <br />W — Represents course withdrawal, credits/hours not earned. <br />RPT— Represents courses that have been repeated <br />TO — Represents credit/hours granted for test out <br />TC- Represents credit/hours granted for transfer <br />ADT— Represents courses audited, credits/hours not earned. <br />Any student receiving an "I'" is required to repeat the level or course and must obtain a grade <br />of "D" or better to complete the program. After the student has successfully repeated the <br />level or course as required by this policy, the previously assigned grade of"F" Is not factored <br />into the student's cumulative grade point average (CGPA) by adding the notation of <br />Repeated ("RPT"). CGPA is calculated by percentage of earned points (Grade Points X Earned <br />credits/hours) divided by total earned credits/hours. We do not give any grades for <br />Withdrawal ("W") or Incomplete ("I"), as such "W" and "I" and the course will have to be <br />repeated to complete the program. <br />An "I", for incomplete, is only assigned when a student has obtained the prior approval of <br />the Executive Director. An "I" grade assignment will revert to the course grade earned if the <br />outstanding work has not been submitted within the agreed upon timeframe, not to exceed <br />30 days from the course end date. <br />Student's Right to Once a grade has been recorded in the student record, the grade may not be changed <br />Appeal a Grade without approval of the faculty. Students who feel that they have received an erroneous <br />grade may appeal the grade to the Director no later than 30 days from the date the grade is <br />posted. A decision regarding the appeal will be rendered within 1 week and will be final. <br />Academic Appeal Procedures <br />1. Students request an appointment with Dean (ED): Email or sign in <br />the appointment schedule on the Dean's room door for an advisement meeting. <br />2. Initial appeal request should be no later than 30 days from the date the grade is <br />posted on the first start date of each term: If you can't find your name, ask registrar <br />officer. <br />Last Revision Date on April 4, 2023 <br />