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This space for filing stamp only <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />OR #: <br /> <br /> <br />O R A N G E C O U N T Y R E P O R T E R <br /> <br />~ SINCE 1921 ~ <br /> <br />600 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 205, Santa Ana, California 92701-4542 <br />Telephone (714) 543-2027 / Fax (714) 542-6841 <br /> <br /> <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br />(2015.5 C.C.P.) <br /> <br />State of Calif ornia ) <br />County of Orange ) ss <br />Notice Type: <br />Ad Description: <br />I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California; I am <br />over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above <br />entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of the <br />ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER, a newspaper published in the English <br />language in the City of Santa Ana, and adjudged a newspaper of general <br />circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior <br />Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under date of June 2, 1922, <br />Case No. 13,421. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has <br />been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in <br />any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: <br /> <br />Executed on: 10/10/2004 <br />At Los Angeles, California <br />I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and <br />correct. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Signature <br /> <br />O R A N G E C O U N T Y R E P O R T E R <br />~ SINCE 1921 ~ <br />600 W SANTA ANA BLVD STE 812, SANTA ANA, CA 92701 <br />(714) 543-2027 (714) 542-6841 <br />OR 3714917 <br />NORMA OROZCO <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA/CITY CLERK <br />20 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA M-30 <br />SANTA ANA, CA - 92701 <br />ORD - ORDINANCE PUBLICATION <br />Urgency Ord. NS-3046 <br />I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California; I am <br />over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above <br />entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of the <br />ORANGE COUNTY REPORTER, a newspaper published in the English <br />language in the city of SANTA ANA, county of ORANGE, and adjudged a <br />newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the State of <br />California by the Superior Court of the County of ORANGE, State of California, <br />under date 06/20/1922, Case No. 13421. That the notice, of which the <br />annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue <br />of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, <br />to-wit: <br />06/26/2023 <br />06/26/2023 <br />ORANGE <br />!A000006344964! <br />Email <br />ORDINANCE NO.NS-3046 <br />AN UNCODIFIED URGENCY <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />EXERCISING ITS RETENTION OF <br />LOCAL LAND USE CONTROL <br />PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA <br />GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION <br />65852.24(e)AND EXEMPTING CERTAIN <br />PARCELS FROM CALIFORNIA <br />GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION <br />65852.24 BASED UPON WRITTEN <br />FINDINGS <br />WHEREAS,in 2022,the state legislature <br />approved two bills requiring local <br />governments,including charter cities,to <br />approve residential development “by right” <br />in commercial zones,under certain <br />circumstances,where residential uses <br />would otherwise be prohibited;and <br />WHEREAS,one of these bills was <br />California Senate Bill 6,known as the <br />Middle Class Housing Act of 2022 (“SB <br />6”),which was approved by the <br />legislature,signed by the Governor on <br />September 28,2022,and codified at <br />Government Code section 65852.24;and <br />WHEREAS,SB 6 serves to override local <br />zoning regulation in the above respect <br />and will take effect on July 1,2023;and <br />WHEREAS,SB 6 and similar housing bills <br />passed by the state legislature and signed <br />by the governor overriding local zoning <br />regulations are intended to address the <br />state's housing crisis by circumventing <br />local land use and zoning regulations that <br />some agencies have adopted to limit <br />housing development;and <br />WHEREAS,to the contrary,the City of <br />Santa Ana completed a seven-years long <br />effort to comprehensively update its <br />General Plan in April 2022,with a land <br />use plan encompassing over 1,500 acres <br />of land designated in five Focus Areas <br />throughout the City and including over <br />770 acres allowing residential <br />development at densities at or exceeding <br />30 dwelling units per acre,the threshold <br />established and deemed appropriate by <br />Government Code Section 65583.2(c)(3) <br />to accommodate housing for lower <br />income households for jurisdictions in a <br />metropolitan county;and <br />WHEREAS,the City's General Plan Land <br />Use Element allows for residential <br />developments in the areas identified <br />above with the appropriate infrastructure <br />improvements required to sustain high- <br />quality housing and residential <br />communities;and <br />WHEREAS,the City of Santa Ana's 6th <br />Cycle Housing Element for the 2021-2029 <br />planning period was certified by the <br />California Department of Housing and <br />Community Development (HCD)on <br />September 16,2022;and <br />WHEREAS,the City of Santa Ana has a <br />proven track record of permitting housing <br />units at all affordability categories as <br />demonstrated by exceeding its 5th Cycle <br />(2014-201)Regional Housing Needs <br />Allocation (RHNA)by over 2,400 percent; <br />and <br />WHEREAS,the City of Santa Ana <br />continues to meet or well exceed its <br />affordable housing and other residential <br />development requirements,far outpacing <br />any city in Orange County,as evidenced <br />by issuing 1,635 permits for housing units <br />across all affordability categories,fulfilling <br />52 percent of its 6th Cycle (2021-2029) <br />RHNA less than two years into the eight- <br />year planning period,as documented in <br />the 2022 Housing Element Annual <br />Progress Report submitted to HCD and <br />the Governor's Office of Planning <br />Research (OPR)on March 23,2023;and <br />WHEREAS,SB 6 specifically allows <br />housing development projects located in <br />commercial zones where office,retail,or <br />parking are a principally permitted use <br />and where the developer commits to both <br />prevailing wage and “skilled and trained <br />workforce”requirements for all <br />construction labor,as codified in <br />Government Code section 65852.24;and <br />WHEREAS,SB 6 permits a local <br />government to exempt a parcel from its <br />application before a developer submits a <br />development application on the parcel if <br />the local government makes written <br />findings of either of the following:(1)the <br />local agency concurrently reallocated the <br />lost residential density to other lots so that <br />there is no net loss in residential density <br />in the jurisdiction or (2)the lost residential <br />density from each exempted parcel can <br />be accommodated on a site or sites <br />allowing residential densities at or above <br />those required by SB 6 and in excess of <br />the acreage required to accommodate the <br />local agency's share of housing for lower <br />income households;and <br />WHEREAS,the City of Santa Ana has <br />identified the parcels listed in Attachment <br />1 as meeting the criteria established by <br />Government Code Section 65852.24 for <br />streamlined review;and <br />WHEREAS,the parcels listed in <br />Attachment 2 to this Ordinance can <br />accommodate the lost residential density <br />from the exempted parcels listed in <br />Attachment 1 on sites allowing residential <br />densities at or above those required by <br />SB 6 and in excess of the acreage <br />required to accommodate the City's share <br />of housing for lower income households; <br />and <br />WHEREAS,the parcels listed in <br />Attachment 2 are in excess of the acreage <br />required to accommodate the local <br />agency's share of housing for lower <br />income households since the pipeline <br />projects listed in the certified 6th Cycle <br />Housing Element satisfy all of Santa <br />Ana's share of housing for lower income <br />households on parcels not listed in <br />Attachment 2;and <br />WHEREAS,the City of Santa Ana,based <br />upon the written findings required for <br />exemption under SB 6 and set forth <br />above,exempts the parcels listed in <br />Attachment 1 from the streamlined <br />approval process for eligible projects <br />provided by Government Code Section <br />65852.24;and <br />WHEREAS,pursuant to California <br />Government Code Section 65852.24(h),a <br />local government may adopt an ordinance <br />to implement the provisions of SB 6 and <br />an ordinance adopted to implement SB 6 <br />shall not be considered a “project”under <br />Division 13 (commencing with Section <br />21000)of the Public Resources Code; <br />and <br />WHEREAS,there is a current and <br />immediate threat to the public health, <br />safety,or welfare based on the passage <br />of SB 6,and an absence of a local <br />ordinance adopting SB 6 and the <br />exemption of parcels as described therein <br />in California Government Code Section <br />65852.24(e),leading to uncertainty of <br />implementation of the local land use plan <br />in a consistent and equitable manner that <br />may also be otherwise consistent with the <br />General Plan.These threats to public <br />safety,health,and welfare justify adoption