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UEI COLLEGE <br />Garden Grove (Formerly Anaheim) Campus Faculty/Staff List <br />Campus President/Executive Director: Mark Lucero <br />Admissions <br />Director of Admissions: Derron Putnam <br />Basin,, Oflice Mmmaar <br />Will Atlanta <br />Career So. cican <br />Diraolor of Career Services: Nicole Plnillos <br />Onar ations Admialstrntorl <br />Alexandra Trujillo <br />nmmua omen Admma Yeti., <br />Radii, Cl EFT) <br />BeeecICCNfcatiom:M.B.A. Mosier ofPm)ecl Mano8ornal-0oVty Univenily <br />Pmfeasicml Ey,n;ewe16 Yean <br />Ca,,Um, Better,(PT) <br />DegraNCeniliwtimu:M.BA, Imm,ationc-ugivenity ofPhomix <br />Pirroneml ➢xnoc..', 21 an <br />Brand N butut <br />mane. Hares, Cmarne Department Chair (FP) <br />C. RDA Co..,.] Polishing, Xtay Bosse. Pd& Fiseme Sealant CPR <br />Pzefoaienal)n,droce'. 27yeoa <br />Education <br />Director of Education: Dollla De Fiesta <br />Associate Direct of Student Affairs: JCIfAndrewa <br />Associate Director of Education: PeggyStedman <br />e R <br />Susan Garcia <br />Student Financial Services <br />Director of Student Finance: Jmumit Romireg <br />Faculty <br />J.dow. It., (PT) <br />Con:1tDA, CoronAPolid,inc X-ray liwnee, l'il &Fivemv swlanl, CI'R, OnhnJnmio Asaieling Liaenvc <br />Pmfmaionnl Expninrw: 12 Fars <br />(Mlninn Racial (PT) <br />Cols: RDA, Comnol Polishing, X-ray lix,we, Pit & Plague YeaWn, CPR <br />Mofonioml In",i.,.; D an <br />Jaw4 R—Iotr fPP) <br />Ceds: RDA. Con t IPuliahing. X-ray tarn,.Pit & Fissore Sealml. CPR <br />Prvfewionnl Cxraiawo: 9 yen <br />Resign Onegs (PT) <br />Cefs'. RDA, C(oo,ul Poliehicg, X-my liwwn, Pit At Pissnre Sedu al. CM <br />Profeasionul Etpenawc. 18 can <br />Medial As.Etaal <br />Mle,ed. Are mdurh(PT) <br />Degree Cenif etiou; Medical Anoint Dj,lomv-Vista College <br />Prefen;onvl Expcnmoe:5 yean <br />Rana Herrera(PT) <br />Deym/Cenifcalions: Medionl Assistant Diploma-UEI College <br />Cots: CPR <br />P,oreoiood Expelence: 5 years <br />Cpfrinl Lsngl(PT) <br />Do <br />;c1C,uifewi.rr: Madinat Ansinnn( Diphenn-North ROP Orange County <br />CNc: CPIs <br />Poracc lomlE'eti nm: 16years <br />Jcmufer R.tod,off) <br />DoweAcedIAcatmm: Modia,l Aasisawo Diplomn-Wyo fwh College <br />Ceds: CPR <br />Pmfcnloual ExPMwae.9 Y,an <br />Dull Ortega fl'1) <br />Degrac2emriwnaru: McJicvl Monett Diplome-Nothwot College <br />Cede: CPR <br />Prehome it Expaicen, I yews <br />Jonah AE..(Un <br />DcgrcdCodidentiom: Mcdeal An ltlent Diploma-Evan(College, <br />Cane: CPR <br />Pirknioml BFPGirrc. 00 yean <br />Amex Pedal. BID <br />DegeWL'cdifcations: Medicvl Asdnem Diplvme-Novo fi nilule of HolN Tw neac,, <br />Coal CPR <br />Pnefntinwd ExPctuac N Fenn <br />Jed Once. <br />DrguelCeddfeadona: Medical Axvivlanl Diplemv-North ROP Orange County <br />Cain: CPR <br />Pmfeaainnvl ExPaintce: 29 Fenn <br />Nina Trauma OR) <br />Dagro&Ccr ifamiows Medionl Ae iennt DiPlome-North ROP Orange County <br />Ceds: CPR <br />Eo'aP wal Union 1.".: 5 ycen <br />Patent Lou,] (PT) <br />Dip, oUwlificationv'. Medical Amislant Diperru-North POP aailp County <br />Cod,'. CPR <br />Pmrewionol Runnette: 15 yearn <br />Heallnm Ventilation mtl At, Dead Il-fien <br />Pence Edmund, TrnJee C.mrur Oermlmenl Chair(Fr) <br />ratnedCedifwlono: HVAC Twhnivan CmlifcnlmVEl College <br />Cede'. EPA Unrvnaol. CBlrAl0. Great Awareness, CIeN;enl and Plret <br />rmrean..] Elea; .: 5 Yw e <br />KnA Alvarado (FT) <br />Degre/Ctiifoations: IIVACTwhnivan Catifwle-the FIVAC Sehwl <br />Cenx EPA Univenol <br />Peoreseinnnl E,.en. 10 yean <br />Samuel Ayala (Fr) <br />Uegredc lillemionv: HVAC Teohnionn Cwdfwte-Purne <br />Ced,'. EPA Univa,em <br />Prefoaiooel ElPaimw: Is ye0n <br />June JnrvnIll. W ) <br />DegredCMifwliom: llVAC Technician Ccoifwte-UEI College <br />Cods'. EPA Univ,col <br />Poornuioud Expadace 6Faun <br />Much Wall (Rf) <br />Cede', EPA Un eonal <br />Paofeunnal Kvparimw: n yen <br />Anne 1. Met. ET) <br />Cafession llarPrv,wdural Cedar, Canifad l'mfunim,n o(liwr <br />rminaamnal lixpetlww: n rear <br />Crhllei Vallail <br />De',,Valirutcna: MDIC Diplonn-UCl Collage <br />Cola, CPR <br />Pmlheninnol Extenuate: 14 seen <br />CrItuad Joel <br />Charlea Cunhe,ineouenc (mf <br />Myce Ceraintiona'. AS Cttmimlheiee-'frock. Mondow'a <br />DcgnNCMi11.6ou'.B.S.and M.S. in Adminiahntce. ofJuaiw-M,. Slate Brownell' <br />P,ofexionol Expv,wmc: IBycnn <br />until Jaunt (PT) <br />DeMoVed,Eenlions'. M.A. to Ircelthal Nmloml Univodty <br />IlegnvlCcdifceeio,n'.AA. in Cnlninal luslicc-Itlwdw College <br />Pmfuelonnl IM1Pennmea l yevo <br />Automotive Turbeh ran <br />AM.,Haxm(FT) <br />DegmdCedirmationa'. Aafe Tw,Dinm,m.univcraal Twfnmunnslimm <br />Prnfosmunl Expert wc'. 1(tyeo <br />Eaton McGinty (FT) <br />DcgndCenlfwllons:ADS degree In A.Ito.Bvc Technical imitate <br />Pmfeseinnal Experience: 12 yean <br />Victor Amhdz(rl') <br />D, WCMillenione: ADS degree In Amammive Technology-Unlvenal Tc6a.0 inedible <br />Prefeaaien d H,,nwee; 12 yews <br />Nathan llernaulea(FT) <br />Degme/CmNe,t onv: AUS d,,cc in Amomollve Trelar.1r,-Universal Teel cal lmtiul. <br />Profnsional Expedwee: In years <br />Eugene Cmtro fPl) <br />D BndCerffomlonv'. AOS deFeoN AmornotivoTwmologyAhtivn'.eol Technical lnaiwm <br />Ilchnoionl Experienec: 28 yom <br />Effective: 1/1/2023 <br />