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Title IX Complaint/Grievance <br />Procedure Policy <br />The purpose of this policy is to outline the duties <br />and responsibilities of UEI College ("UEI") in <br />accordance with UEI's Statement of <br />Nondiscrimination and Title IX of the Education <br />Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX"). UEI is <br />committed to providing a work and educational <br />environment free of unlawful harassment and <br />discrimination. <br />UEI is also committed to providing a prompt <br />response to reports of Sexual Harassment and <br />ensuring every Complainant receives appropriate <br />support, Respondents are treated as responsible <br />only after receiving due process and fundamental <br />fairness, and UEI officials serve impartially <br />without bias for or against any party. <br />Definitions <br />Sexual Harassment: conduct on the basis of sex <br />that satisfies one or more of the following: <br />• A school employee conditioning an <br />educational benefit or service upon a <br />person's participation in unwelcome sexual <br />conduct (often called "quid pro quo" <br />harassment); <br />• Unwelcome conduct determined by a <br />reasonable person to be so severe, <br />pervasive, and objectively offensive that it <br />effectively denies a person equal access to <br />the school's education program or activity; or <br />• Sexual Assault (as defined in the Clary Act, <br />20 U.S.C. § 1092(f)), or Dating Violence, <br />Domestic Violence, or Stalking (as those <br />offenses are defined in the Violence Against <br />Women Act (VAWA)*, 34 U.S.C. § 12291(a)). <br />o Sexual Assault: As defined in 20 <br />U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), means an <br />offense classified as a forcible or <br />nonforcible sex offense under the <br />uniform crime reporting system of the <br />Federal Bureau of Investigation. <br />o Dating Violence: As defined in 34 <br />U.S.C. 12291(a)(10), means <br />violence committed by a person (A) <br />who is or has been in a social <br />relationship of a romantic or intimate <br />nature with the victim; and (B) where <br />the existence of such a relationship <br />shall be determined based on a <br />consideration of the following factors: <br />the length of the relationship; the <br />type of relationship; and, the <br />frequency of Interaction between the <br />persons involved in the relationship. <br />Domestic Violence: As defined in 34 <br />U.S.C. 12291(a)(8), includes felony <br />or misdemeanor crimes of violence <br />committed by a current or former <br />spouse or intimate partner of the <br />victim, by a person with whom the <br />victim shares a child in common, by <br />a person who is cohabitating with or <br />has cohabitated with the victim as a <br />spouse or intimate partner, by a <br />person similarly situated to a spouse <br />of the victim under the domestic or <br />family violence laws of the <br />jurisdiction receiving grant monies, <br />or by any other person against an <br />adult or youth victim who is protected <br />from that person's acts under the <br />domestic or family violence laws of <br />the jurisdiction. <br />Stalking: As defined In 34 U.S.C. <br />12291(a)(30), means engaging in a <br />course of conduct directed at a <br />specific person that would cause a <br />reasonable person to: (A) fear for his <br />or her safety or the safety of others; <br />or (B) suffer substantial emotional <br />distress. <br />*In accordance with VAWA, state definitions for <br />Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic <br />Violence, Stalking and Consent are contained in <br />the school's Annual Safety and Security Report <br />("ASR"). VAWA crimes are reported in the ASR <br />based on the definitions above. <br />Complainant: An individual who is alleged to be <br />the victim of conduct that could constitute Sexual <br />Harassment, regardless of whether a Formal <br />Complaint has been filed. A Complainant must be <br />the alleged victim unless a parent or legal <br />guardian has a legal right to act on the alleged <br />victim's behalf. <br />Respondent: An individual who has been <br />reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that <br />could constitute Sexual Harassment, <br />Actual knowledge: When UEI's Title IX <br />Coordinator or the applicable Campus <br />President/Executive Director becomes aware of a <br />Sexual Harassment report. <br />Education program or activity: On or off campus <br />locations, events, or circumstances over which the <br />school exercises substantial control over both the <br />Respondent and the context In which the Sexual <br />Harassment occurred. <br />