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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br /> (2) Authorize us to obtain records and other (iii) An executive officer or director of <br /> information; any other organization; or <br /> (3) Cooperate with us in the investigation or (iv) A trustee of any trust; <br /> settlement of the claim or defense against <br /> the "suit"; and that is your partner, joint venture <br /> member, manager or trustee; or <br /> (4) Assist us, upon our request, in the <br /> enforcement of any right against any (b) Any employee authorized by such <br /> person or organization which may be liable partnership, joint venture, limited <br /> liability company, trust or other <br /> to the insured because of injury or damage <br /> to which this insurance may also apply. organization to give notice of an <br /> "occurrence" or offense. <br /> d. No insured will, except at that insured's own (3) Notice to us of such "occurrence" or <br /> cost, voluntarily make a payment, assume any offense will be deemed to be given as soon <br /> obligation, or incur any expense, other than for as practicable if it is given in good faith as <br /> first aid, without our consent. soon as practicable to your workers' <br /> e. The following provisions apply to Paragraph a. compensation insurer. This applies only if <br /> above, but only for purposes of the insurance you subsequently give notice to us of the <br /> provided under this Coverage Part to you or any "occurrence" or offense as soon as <br /> insured listed in Paragraph 1. or 2. of Section II practicable after any of the persons <br /> —Who Is An Insured: described in Paragraph e.(1) or (2) above <br /> discovers that the "occurrence" or offense <br /> (1) Notice to us of such "occurrence" or may result in sums to which the insurance <br /> offense must be given as soon as provided under this Coverage Part may <br /> practicable only after the "occurrence" or apply. <br /> offense is known to you (if you are an However, if this policy includes an endorsement <br /> individual), any of your partners or that provides limited coverage for "bodily injury" <br /> members who is an individual (if you are a or "property damage" or pollution costs arising <br /> partnership or joint venture), any of your out of a discharge, release or escape of <br /> managers who is an individual (if you are a "pollutants" which contains a requirement that <br /> limited liability company), any of your the discharge, release or escape of "pollutants" <br /> "executive officers" or directors (if you are must be reported to us within a specific number <br /> an organization other than a partnership, of days after its abrupt commencement, this <br /> joint venture, or limited liability company), Paragraph e. does not affect that requirement. <br /> any of your trustees who is an individual (if <br /> you are a trust) or any "employee,, 3. Legal Action Against Us <br /> authorized by you to give notice of an No person or organization has a right under this <br /> "occurrence" or offense. Coverage Part: <br /> (2) If you are a partnership, joint venture, a. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us into <br /> limited liability company or trust, and none a "suit" asking for damages from an insured; or <br /> of your partners, joint venture members, b. To sue us on this Coverage Part unless all of <br /> managers or trustees are individuals, notice its terms have been fully complied with. <br /> to us of such "occurrence" or offense must <br /> be given as soon as practicable only after A person or organization may sue us to recover on <br /> the "occurrence" or offense is known by: an agreed settlement or on a final judgment against <br /> an insured; but we will not be liable for damages <br /> (a) Any individual who is: that are not payable under the terms of this <br /> (i) A partner or member of any Coverage Part or that are in excess of the <br /> partnership or joint venture; applicable limit of insurance. An agreed settlement <br /> means a settlement and release of liability signed by <br /> (ii) A manager of any limited liability us, the insured, and the claimant or the claimant's <br /> company; legal representative. <br /> APPROVED <br /> By Cynthia Mora at 1:42 pm, Dec 05, 2024 <br /> Page 14 of 21 ©2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All rights reserved. CG T1 00 02 19 <br /> Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc.with its permission. <br />