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PTAP1210: Patient Care Skills <br />Credit Hours: 2 <br />Clock Hours: 30/0/0 <br />This course covers foundational patient care skills: <br />communication, safety considerations, implementation <br />of plan of care, chart review, patient positioning and <br />monitoring, mobility skills, massage, and <br />documentation. CPR training and certification are also <br />completed in this course, <br />Prerequisites: <br />PTAP1300; <br />Co -Requisites: <br />PTAP1211 <br />PTAP12ii: Patient Care Skills Lab <br />Credit Hours: 2 <br />Clock Hours: 0/60/0 <br />This laboratory course provides hands-on experience <br />complementing the didactic material presented in <br />PTAP121o, This course covers foundational patient care <br />skills: communication, safety considerations, <br />implementation of the plan of care, chart review,, patient <br />positioning and monitoring, mobility skills and <br />documentation. Practical application of basic patient <br />care skills and data collection is emphasized. <br />Prerequisites: <br />PTAP1300: <br />Co -Requisites: <br />PTAP1210 <br />PTAP1221: Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Lab <br />Credit Hours: 2 <br />Clock Hours: o/6o/o <br />This course accompanies PTAP132o and covers <br />practical application and instruction of Interventions <br />and exercise in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. <br />Demonstration of competency in exercise instruction <br />and technique is emphasized. Implementation of the <br />physical therapy plan of care for a patient with <br />musculoskeletal disorders is covered. <br />Prerequisites: <br />PTAP1201, PTAP1210, PTAP1211, PTAP1400; <br />Co -Requisites: <br />PTAP1320 <br />PTAP1240: Modalities <br />Credit Hours: 2 <br />Clock Hours: 30/o/o <br />This course presents the therapeutic modalities and <br />physical agents that are used in physical therapy <br />practice, Physiological effects, patient preparation, <br />treatment parameters, indications, precautions and <br />contraindications will be discussed. <br />Prerequisites: <br />PTAP12oi, PTAP12io, PTAP1211, PTAP1400; <br />Co -Requisites: <br />PTAP1241 <br />PTAP2241: Modalities Lab <br />Credit Hours:1,5 <br />Clock Hours: 0/45/0 <br />This course presents therapeutic modalities and <br />physical agents commonly used in physical therapy <br />practice. Instruction in safe application and <br />demonstration of competency is emphasized. <br />Application of modalities and agents as part of the <br />physical therapy plan of care is covered. <br />Prerequisites: <br />PTAPi2o1, PTAP1210, PTAP1211, PTAP1400: <br />Co -Requisites: <br />PTAP1240 <br />PTAP1300: Introduction to Physical Therapy <br />Credit Hours: 3 <br />Clock Hours: 45/0/0 <br />This course provides a basic introduction to the field of <br />Physical Therapy, Course content includes an <br />introduction to the physical therapy profession and its <br />national organization, physical therapy practice <br />description, appropriate clinical behavior, <br />communication, and ethical and legal Issues in the field. <br />Instruction regarding health care team members, <br />medical terminology and study skills are also included <br />in this class, <br />PTAP1320: Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation <br />Credit Hours: 3 <br />Clock Hours: 45/0/0 <br />This course presents Interventions in the management <br />of patients with common musculoskeletal dysfunctions <br />and role of the physical therapist assistant in <br />Implementation of the plan of care. Exercise principles, <br />technique and instruction are covered, <br />Prerequisites: <br />PTAPi2oi, PTAP1210, PTAP1211, PTAP1400; <br />Co -Requisites: <br />PTAP1221 <br />PTAP1350: Pathology for the Physical Therapist <br />Assistant <br />Credit Hours: 3 <br />Clock Hours: 45/0/0 <br />This course presents the etiology, pathophysiotogy, <br />Incidence, signs and symptoms, diagnoses, prognosis, <br />medical, pharmacological and physical therapy <br />treatment of diseases commonly seen in physical <br />therapy. Implications for treatment by the physical <br />therapist assistant are emphasized, This course <br />explores current concepts related to wellness and <br />prevention and the physical therapist assistants role in <br />wetness. <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date; May 20, 2023 1 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />95 <br />