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ii. an administrative leave of an employee is appropriate; <br />and <br />III. whether other interim measures may be appropriate, <br />including but not limited to the adjustment of class <br />schedules. <br />Iv. To conduct further inquiry to discover additional facts <br />including: <br />a, Identifying and interviewing witnesses; <br />b. Contacting and interviewing the Respondent; and <br />a Contacting and cooperating with law enforcement. <br />E, Supportive Measures: Supportive Measures may be <br />requested by any party (Complainant(s) or <br />Respondent(s)), whether or not a Formal Complaint is <br />filed; a report Is filed with law enforcement; or the <br />Complainant decides to pursue any other process <br />offered by the College. Requests for Supportive <br />Measures should be submitted to the Lead Title IX <br />Coordinator. Concorde shall offer Supportive Measures <br />on an equitable basis to Complainant(s) and <br />Respondent(s) alike. <br />F. Identifying and Locating Witnesses: It is Concorde's <br />responsibility to identify and locate witnesses to an <br />alleged incident of Prohibited Conduct. The <br />Complainant is encouraged to identify any known <br />witnesses at the time they report Prohibited Conduct, <br />including but not limited to when filing a format <br />Complaint. <br />G. Contacting and Interviewing Respondent: <br />Concorde will make every effort not to contact the <br />Respondent until such time as a Formal Complaint Is <br />filed. The Complainant will be notified of the CoRege's <br />intent to contact and interview the Respondent prior to <br />said contact. <br />H. Contacting and Cooperating with Law <br />Enforcement; A Complainant has the right to notify law <br />enforcement or to decline to notify law enforcement. <br />I. Importance of Preserving Evidence: Survivors/ <br />Victims of sexual violence should take steps to <br />preserve all physical evidence to assist in proving that a <br />crime occurred or In obtaining an order of protection, <br />restraining order or other such court order. <br />J. Privacy: The College will protect the Identity of <br />parties and witnesses involved in the resolution of a <br />report of Prohibited Conduct to the extent doing so <br />does not unreasonably Interfere with legally protected <br />rights of others, the investigation into and resolution of <br />the reported conduct, or the implementation of <br />Supportive Measures, sanctions or remedies. <br />II. Formal Complaint Process <br />A. General: The filing of a Formal Complaint will trigger <br />the format investigation and hearing procedures <br />(collectively referred to as "Grievance Procedures') set <br />forth herein. Even in the absence of a Formal Complaint, <br />a Respondent may be subject to discipline through <br />other applicable College procedures and the College <br />may still take other remedial action to address the <br />alleged conduct if said conduct does not rise to the <br />Level of a Title IX violation or Prohibited Conduct, There <br />is no deadline for the filing of a Formal Complaint, <br />although Concorde encourages Individuals to do so as <br />early as possible following an incident. <br />B. Filing a Formal Complaint: A Formal Complaint may <br />not be anonymous. It must be submitted in writing and <br />signed by either: <br />1. The Complainant; or <br />2. The Lead Title IX Coordinator. <br />C. Notice of Formal Complaint: Within five (5) business <br />days following the filing of a Format Complaint, the <br />Lead Title IX Coordinator shall send written notice <br />simultaneously to all parties identified in the Formal <br />Complaint containing the following information: <br />1. A copy of these Procedures; <br />2. Notice of the allegations and the type(s) of Prohibited <br />Conduct Implicated, including a reference to the <br />Section of the Concorde policy such alleged conduct, if <br />proven, would violate; <br />3• The Identity of the parties Involved in the alleged <br />incident, including the Complainant and witnesses, if <br />any are known; <br />4. The date, time and location of the alleged incident (if <br />known); <br />5• The parties right to an advisor of their choice, who <br />may, but need not, be an attorney; <br />6. A statement that the Respondent is presumed "not <br />responsible' for the alleged conduct and that a <br />determination will be made only at the conclusion of <br />the Grievance Procedures; <br />7. A statement regarding the parties' right to inspect and <br />review evidence; <br />8. The provision of any College policy that prohibits <br />knowingly making false statements or knowingly <br />submitting false information to a College official during <br />these or other College proceedings. <br />g. A statement prohibiting retaliation; <br />io. A statement regarding the availability of resources <br />and Supportive Measures for the parties; and <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 2023 1 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />61 <br />