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certain types of studies, in certain cases, even <br />when Concorde objects to or does not request <br />such research. <br />Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain <br />use -restriction and data security promises from <br />the entities that they authorize to receive a <br />student's PII, but the Federal and State Authorities <br />need not maintain direct control over such entities. <br />With respect to Statewide Longitudinal Data <br />Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, <br />permanently retain, and share, without the <br />student's consent. Pit from his or her education <br />records, and they may track the student's <br />participation In education and other programs by <br />linking such PII to other personal information about <br />him or her that they obtain from other federal or <br />state data sources, including workforce <br />development, unemployment Insurance, child <br />welfare,juvenilejustice, military service, and <br />migrant student records systems. <br />Students With DisabiCities Policy <br />It is the policy of Concorde Career Colleges, Inc. <br />(Campus), to abide by both the letter and spirit of <br />Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its <br />implementing regulation at 34 Code of Federal <br />Regulations C.F.R., Part 104. Section 504 prohibits <br />discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and <br />activities operated by recipients of federal financial <br />assistance, Covered entitles must accommodate <br />students with reasonable academic adjustments and <br />auxiliary aids and services that are necessary to afford <br />an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to <br />participate In Its programs, Concorde is not required to <br />make academic adjustments and/or provide auxiliary <br />aids and services that would result in a fundamental <br />alteration of its programs or impose an undue burden. <br />The Campus prohibits at[ discrimination against <br />"qualified individuals with disabilities" as defined in <br />Concordes Disabilities Policy. In addition, a "qualified <br />disabled person," with respect to postsecondary and <br />vocational education services, is one who meets the <br />academic and technical standards requisite to <br />participation in the Campus education program. <br />Procedures for Requesting Academic <br />Adjustment and/or Auxiliary Aid', <br />i, Current students with disabilities wishing to <br />request academic adjustments and/or auxiliary <br />aids must contact the Campus President. The <br />Campus President Is designated as the Campus <br />Compliance Coordinator (CCC) with respect to <br />Section 504. A disclosure of a disability or request <br />for adjustments and/or aids made to a faculty or <br />staff member, other than the CCC, wilt not be <br />treated as a request for an academic adjustment <br />and/or auxiliary aid. However, if a student <br />discloses a disability to faculty or staff, he or she is <br />required to direct the student to the CCC. <br />2. The CCC will provide the student With an <br />academic adjustment and/or auxiliary aid Request <br />Form for Students With Disabilities to complete. <br />Academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids are <br />available to students who provide documentation <br />of a disability, specifically that they have an <br />impairment that substantially limits one or more <br />major life activities. <br />3. In general, the documentation referenced should <br />be current prior to taking entrance assessments to <br />be accepted Into a program. The documented <br />assessments must be completed by qualified <br />professionals in the area of disability, <br />Documentation and sources used to evaluate the <br />need and determine appropriate adjustments or <br />aids may include a licensed professional's current <br />medical diagnosis and date of diagnosis, <br />evaluation of how the student's disability affects <br />one or more of the major life activities and <br />recommendations, psychological and/or <br />emotional diagnostic tests, aptitude and <br />achievement tests with results/reports, functional <br />effects or limitations of the disability (physical <br />Limitations) and/or medications and <br />recommendations, and social and cultural <br />background and adaptive behavior. The campus <br />reserves the right to request additional <br />documentation as needed, <br />4• After the CCC or his or her designee receives the <br />academic adjustment and/or auxiliary aid Request <br />Form and the required documentation, the CCC <br />will engage in an Interactive process with the <br />student to determine what academic <br />adjustment(s) and/or auxiliary aid(s) are <br />appropriate. This process will Include primary <br />consideration of the student's recommendations, It <br />is the responsibility of the student to Initiate this <br />process by contacting the CCC and participating in <br />the interactive process to identify appropriate <br />academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids. <br />Within 10 business days, the CCC will meet with <br />the student to discuss the appropriate reasonable <br />academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids <br />needed. Primary consideration will be given to the <br />student's requested academic adjustments and/or <br />auxiliary aids. Any academic adjustment and/or <br />auxiliary aid denied will include a written <br />statement as to the basis. Whenever an academic <br />adjustment and/or auxiliary aid is denied, the CCC <br />wilt enter into an interactive communication with <br />the requester and discuss the need for additional <br />documentation and/or alternate academic <br />adjustments and/or auxiliary aids, <br />5. If the student is denied the requested adjustment <br />or aid, he or she may file a grievance using the <br />Grievance Procedure, or the student may file a <br />complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 20231 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />71 <br />