Student Clock Hour Policy ($tAd'AI7I1 AJ MF Jq)
<br />The Board of Barbering and Cosmetology will only recognize timeclock punched hours of attendance, as a result of this requirement this school
<br />can only give clock hour credit to students who record their attendance by using the time clock to punch in and out at the start and end of their
<br />class day and lunch period. You will be given up to seven (7) minutes to clock in and receive credit for the quarter (1/4) hour. This seven -
<br />minute period applies to starting of the class day. A thirty (30) minute lunch break shall be taken when a student attends a 6-hour class day or
<br />more. If you are attending less than a 6-hour class day and desire to take a lunch break (30 minutes), then the half hour must be deducted from
<br />your daily total and you must clock in/out on your timecard for the lunch break, Once theory classes have been started no one will be allowed
<br />to enter the theory classroom. At the completion of the day, your timecard is prepared from the current weekly timecard. The daily homy and
<br />operations earned are added to the totals in the prior column and final totals transferred to the cumulative column. These cumulative figures
<br />are then entered in the prior column on the weekly timecard. The timecard must be signed by the student and the instructor daily. Instructors
<br />may not sign a student in or out and if a student does not clock in or out at lunch. 30 minutes for lunch will be deducted
<br />olVA}s} HellV
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<br />Timecards reflect the student's daily record of hours and operations. It is important that all of your hours and operations are recorded properly
<br />and accurately. The attendance personnel must be able to read your timecard so that the hours and operations are transferred correctly to the
<br />roster. The timecards are the property of the school and must remain in the school at all times. Timecards must be maintained in their entirety
<br />for 6 years by the school. After clocking in you are required to maintain applied effort, personnel grooming, leaving the building, reading
<br />material not related to your training or activity not related to your training is not tolerated. If this occurs, you will be asked to stop such activity
<br />or to punch out for the remainder of the day. Continued activities of this nature could result in your termination.
<br />E}°aa}_,`_Al?14 1-°l114,g l°J'aAl -q- qq14gr}.1�,O4-I AIZI4}.o1aRT;�41s}i-Vgia}421h°1 aAlggr4.Al;}14-}°01
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<br />r°av1L}.01elAl1alglRo Ai ;0} V rAlm lr}.
<br />Timecard Credit (EF°d 7F s aL41 �)
<br />The following is a guideline for the instructor to issue credits.
<br />c}6 6 7�A} a4r) AJ.a3 s}c ql VA471IJA]-9- All Y4Ll4.
<br />1. Each Theory must be initialed in the proper category. If that category is complete, the instructor may issue credit in a comparative category.
<br />z} 01�AlVi* 7}Epsel01 all-1-9 2116k't'1gU1. 4q 7}e11-Uel7} P-IR3l'vl, Ad'A}- ill T Trod aAJrA— 11 a3
<br />2. The portion of the timecard reflecting hours are in the Theory hours earned and any classes the instructor has demonstrated.
<br />AlZl�90z]=01MAJZ1a}7�A}7}A]�,4tl-V ff4—Loilvili}cAlZ1-y}=°l�-"r4ltic}
<br />3. The portion of the timecard concerning operations is to be applied efforts of the students as they manually perform practical subject.
<br />al F€ A�-ao'31 °l$�° rr�8�}ol �i'A�p.°l�9- �l A}�}qc}.
<br />4, Some practical operations may take longer to perform according to the student. Note the following time frame the Program gives for each
<br />operation: Shampoo/set =1 1/2 hours, Scalp Treatment = 1/2 to 1 hour, Permanent
<br />Wave = 2 to 2 1/2 hours, Facial = 1 1/2 to 2 hours, Manicure = 1/2 hour, }lair cut = 1/2 to 1 hour. Using the above, the Board would
<br />understandably not consider a student capable of performing more than 3 permanent waves per day.
<br />e]* i44 oil u}e} T801 s} cll ARI-ol ul �tl =r 9l*gr , 4 ;4q oil 44 zll o s}c cM4 716, AIZI RA000
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<br />Student Coiduct(4AZM-)
<br />As adults, it is expected that students will conduct themselves in a mature and professional manner, giving the proper respect and courtesy to
<br />his/her classmates, the clients, and the staff of the school, Disruptions of class will not be tolerated at any time. Any such conduct will result
<br />in termination from the training program in which he/she is enrolled. A student dismissed for misconduct will be permitted to re -enroll and
<br />resume training only at the discretion of the school.
<br />A 0-1o0 1 -}A�z01 a/a>4!�X-Iiz,ffe}o11-1�E.q}R°l Alva°ll 4-81 1V1lt-7J4 q°lA�**} 7-1W16-1
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<br />Other Rules and Regulations (r+4R 14.aa i�N 51i %;9)
<br />The school reserves the right to modify these rules and regulations at any time. All students must comply with the school rules and regulations
<br />as a condition of enrollment.
<br />q-Rt-61Al-Al 01el'--fi'A4 --r114rII lel**V-°Mclrs}A8z',Ig1I q yZ;d gv77 x',-F�%-.0--6traAlokfi}'-14.
<br />1. Personal Calls - Pay phones are available in front of the College and other locations throughout the shopping center as a convenience to
<br />students. Students are not allowed to use the College telephones for personal use. If a student receives a call at Asel Beauty College, a
<br />message will be given to the instructor. If the call is an emergency, every effort will be made to find the student and relay the message.
<br />23
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