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6/5/23, 3:07 PM Active Funded Award <br />*/!TABTHREAD3?pyActivity=%40baseclass.pzPro…12/12 <br />temporary or long term relief), or for limited immigration matters that may impact and affect the victim's <br />ability to maintain safety (such as U visas). <br />Prohibition on public awareness activities <br />The recipient agrees that grant funds will not be used to conduct public awareness or community education <br />campaigns or related activities. Grant funds may be used to support, inform, and conduct outreach to victims <br />about available services. <br />Indirect costs <br />The recipient may not obligate, expend, or draw down any award funds for indirect costs, unless and until <br />either (1) the recipient submits to OVW a current, federally-approved indirect cost rate agreement, or (2) the <br />recipient determines that it is eligible under the Part 200 Uniform Requirements to use the "de minimis" <br />indirect cost rate described in 2 C.F.R. 200.414(f), and advises OVW in writing of both its eligibility and its <br />election. <br />Conditional clearance with release of technical assistance funds <br />The recipient acknowledges that the budget for this award is pending review and approval. Until OVW <br />approves the budget, the recipient may not obligate, expend, or draw down any funds, except those that <br />OVW allows for participation in or travel-related expenses to attend OVW-sponsored technical assistance <br />events. Any obligations or expenditures incurred by the recipient prior to the budget being approved are <br />made at the recipient's own risk. If there is another condition on the award prohibiting any obligation, <br />expenditure, and drawdown of any funds, that other condition will control. Remaining funds will not be <br />available for drawdown until OVW's Grants Financial Management Division has approved the budget and <br />budget narrative via a Grant Award Modification (GAM). If applicable, the Indirect Cost Rate will be identified <br />in the GAM when the budget is approved. <br /> I have read and understand the information presented in this section of the Federal Award Instrument. <br /> <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 <br />Award Acceptance