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9.33 and &933.OS rand Jury has bolded those words in §= <br />California Penal Code S <br />eetions the g' <br />duce grand jury regttests for additional response information, <br />(Note: To re ro riately included in a response.) <br />nd <br />which should be app p r calendar year. Final reports on any <br />'din 'udge of the superior coy fiscal o realm of its findings he tenn of service <br />the <br />a Each grand jury shall submit to the press o g rent matters during during <br />departments, <br />933.. (a tions that pertain to country g of the superior court at any time during t <br />enda the residing judge agencies, <br />recoinm be submitted to p ent to responsible officers, <br />appropriate subject maythe 11YPC1lIrng �ilC�gP that t�1P YPinYf 1,, to <br />may be submitted for coenm n finding of he presl her designees shall, upon <br />rand jury A final report Y �nY ;,Then applicable, Upon "erson and his <br />or <br />of a g n„nt,, hoard of swpe..iso' . the forep <br />including the c.""' s after the end of the term, ort <br />liance with this title shall be <br />liance with this title. For. 4�;.,day • the recommendations of thee grid to be in comp <br />comp be available to clarify <br />reasonable ediatelY <br />notice, ° ether.. with the responses thereto, <br />- ort� <br />t..g <br />- - ach: final rep_ � who shall retain that report and all responses <br />e d remain on file in the office oWthe clerk. The clerk spa untn <br />(b) _One copy of -- <br />placed on file with the cleric of the'court an- . ublic agency subject to its <br />e co of the report an d-the.xesponses to the State Archives erations of any p su erior court <br />forwar44. ro .. copy <br />residing judge of thep <br />submits a final report on the op <br />in peYpetn'' rand jtirJ' ublic ag Y overriing body, and every elected <br />s after_the g <br />of .the p enc shall comment to e p <br />(c) -No later than:90 day- thfte ye_rning body _ <br />authority, ertatning to.matters under the control of the! g <br />reviewing . u has responsibility pursuant to s nt t the board of supe comment sons, <br />grand jury <br />-onthe: findtngsand recommendatioilsp officer or agency head and <br />officer .or agency head - for which the. gm <br />superior court, with an information cop the mayor <br />county resd'uig judge of the sup city and county, <br />within 60 days to the: p eildations pertaining <br />to. Matters III o�conirolst In anyin tYbt <br />s and recomen agency head s p rand <br />that Of or ag Y of all responses to g <br />- on the finding agencies which-- dations. All of these comments and <br />oPY shall forthwith <br />enc . .0 <br />any. agency ot:ag •- s artd recommend, impaneled the grand) ry rk, <br />_ clerk, <br />or the mayor <br />shall-E. so comment. on the ud to o fthe-Superior court who imp enc and the office of the county applicable grand <br />residing J -� ublic ag y laced on file with the <br />submitted to the:p copy shall be p <br />laced on file -vatth tP_,n those of t e p where it shall be maintained for a <br />oits-shall be p rand fury, <br />jury Yep and shall remain o. file in those offices. One <br />g <br />licable,. <br /> and in flee control of the currentlyimp <br />)u.y finalreport. y <br />nlirrlmum of five years. ,� enc includes a department. the responding person or entity shall <br />(d) As used in this section ag y as t° eac11 grand Jury finding, <br />cfton 933;:. <br />. • b of Se. <br />ur oses of subdivision �) the ortion <br />933.63. (a): For-p . p <br />indicate one of the following: ee with the finding. th the finding; in which case f r response shall specify p _ <br />(l) The respondent ag rees wholly or_partially_ we. erson or�ntity_-- <br />lanateon of the reasons there .the res onding p__.... ---- . <br />- 2 The respondent disag _ o each and jury Tecommen__dati°n . "-p <br />O that is disputed and shall include an eo, gr _ <br />of the finding .- b of Sectiort 933 _as __ _ - implemented action. <br />Lir oses of :subdiv..is_n �) action ar regarding the <br />(b) For_p p= _ with a timeframe <br />' lemented, with a summ y lemented in the future, <br />shall report one of the following <br />reconllnendateoi� has_ bs en imp lemented, but will be imp <br />The - e of et been=in'p a and parameters of an analysis <br />ecommendation 1►a - n . y- <br />(2) The-r - lanation and the scope hrs <br />sis, <br />with an exp agency o <br />- lementation. the officer or head. of the n T <br />- for imp wires further analy._ agency when applicable. <br />for discussion by of the public ag y <br />µ(3) The__recornnlendation redthe governing body <br />artd a timeframe �far"tlie matter to be prepared y and jury report <br />stud3!, investigated -or reviewed, including ublication of the.gT with an <br />department bei1ig six months from the date of p <br />hall : - _ lemented because it is not warranted or is not reasonab e, <br />..- timeframe $ -- <br />of exceed <br />_ . _ or personnel matters of a county visor <br />s <br />(4) The-recommendatanwill-nQt be -imp <br />rand jury, addresses budgetary <br />- department head and the board of suppose <br />explanation therefor. or recommendation of the grand <br />the agency or <br />(c) _ However, i£ n:finding headed by'aielected officer.;-. The response of the elected agency <br />artme but the response of the board of supeTvisors shall address Only or <br />authority <br />.agency or dep nested bX the -.grand lury., - - his or her agen Y .. <br />shall respond; ►f req... <br />- - el matter_.s over.- it hassorne deciseon ma mg <br />or peTSOnn ects .of the findings or recommendations affecting <br />dgetary u ose of reading and <br />or depa_rtmenthead _sha11.address allasp le and jury for the p rP the accuracy of <br />- - to come before erson or entity in order to verify <br />- - department. e uest:a�ubleetpeI onor.entity <br />A grandturYmay q ranJury-report that relates to that p regard the investigation, <br />(d) the findings Qf il�e_g <br />- mes h� <br />discussingV: --- subject of that investigation re rand jury, det im <br />findings prior to their release shall meet with the subj <br />e' � t ` <br />- - rand -jury west of the foreperson of the g <br />- the g _ on red <br />e : During an investigation, <br />rand jury report relating to that per <br />. .-. - either omits own determination.or u enc; <br />unless the.coart, ortion of the g <br />- _ - co of the pjudge No o officer, a <br />such a meeftng Would be detrimental. agency a py royal of the presiding ' ublic rele <br />- to p <br />- - - the <br />rovtde to the affecte tag- contents of the report prior <br />p, grand]ury shall Pub' release and after the app <br />( days rior-to its p enc shall disclose any <br />o v orking .._ y _ p <br />entity body of a public ag y <br />a, �Ytment. or govern. ng <br />