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Page 3 of 4 <br />cm\historic\templates\Spurgeon N 621 (Thomas) <br />9/24/01 <br />RESOURCES PRESENT: <br /> Building Structure Object Site District Element of District Other <br />MOVED? No Yes Unknown Date: Original Location: <br />STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, <br />period, geographic scope, and integrity.) <br />Santa Ana was founded by William Spurgeon in 1869 as a speculative townsite on part of the Spanish land grant known as Rancho <br />Santiago de Santa Ana. Early growth and development was stimulated by the arrival of the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1878 and the <br />Santa Fe Railroad in 1886. Following its incorporation as a city in 1886, Santa Ana was recognized as one of the leading <br />communities in the area in 1889 when it became the seat of the newly created County of Orange. <br />Santa Ana’s population rose steadily in the late 1880s, survived the economic downturn in 1893, and continued to grow as the end of <br />the century approached. As a result, numerous homes were constructed during this period. This house is significant architecturally as <br />an example of the Queen Anne (Late Victorian) style as it was influenced by the Colonial Revival of the early 20th century. Queen <br />Anne characteristics include the complex roofline, the treatment of the gable ends, the use of fishscale shingles, and the front bay <br />projection. The porch design, with its Tuscan columns and posts, is more closely affiliated with the Colonial Revival style. <br />The Thomas House retains good integrity. Character-defining original and restored exterior features, which should be preserved, <br />include but may not be limited to: roof configuration and treatment; massing; exterior materials and finishes; fenestration; porch <br />steps; and architectural detailing such as brackets, frieze, bargeboards, stickwork, and columns. <br />SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: <br />This property is currently listed in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Property and has been categorized as “Key” because it “has a <br />distinctive architectural style and quality” as an example of the Queen Anne (Late Victorian) style (Municipal Code, Section 30-2.2). <br />OWNER AND ADDRESS: <br />Historic Resources Commission <br />2-17 July 6, 2023