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STEP 5: CA ETPL TRAINING PROVIDER ELIGIBLITY DETERMINATION <br />Private <br />Postsecondary <br />Institution <br />Does the Training <br />Provider have an Approval to <br />Operate from BPPE? <br />YES <br />Is the Training <br />Program approved by the <br />BPPE? <br />Training provider is <br />not eligible to be listed <br />on the CA ETPL. <br />NO <br />Does the Training <br />Program meet the ETPL <br />performance <br />requirements? <br />Training provider is <br />not eligible to be listed <br />on the CA ETPL. <br />YES <br />NO <br />YES <br />ETPL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES <br />CA ETPL Training Provider and Program Determination Flowchart <br />ATTACHMENT 5 <br />Training Program eligible to <br />be on the CA ETPL. <br />NO <br />EXHIBIT 2