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Kim Rhodes <br />February 22, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Bidding Assumptions <br />Schedule estimates are based on our bestjudgment of the requirements known at the time <br />of the proposal and can be influenced favorably or adversely by Client needs and other <br />circumstances. ECORP will perform the services and accomplish the objectives within the <br />presented costs and schedule. However, if the scope of work or schedule changes, ECORP <br />will offer separate proposals for any out -of -scope work. <br />ECORP assumes that, by receipt of notice to proceed, full access to the property will be <br />provided by the City, including keys to locked gates and advance notice to existing property <br />tenants of our right of entry. <br />ECORP shall not be held responsible for work delays or cancellations caused by strikes, <br />accidents, acts of God, delays imposed by the Client, the COVID-19 pandemic, or other <br />delays beyond the control of ECORP. <br />It is assumed that ECORP can use and rely on the data and information contained in the <br />project related documents provided by the Client. ECORP will not perform a technical review <br />of these documents, and will not be responsible for the content or accuracy of these studies. <br />This cost is valid for a period of 90 days from the date of this the proposal. Beyond 90 days, <br />ECORP reserves the right to reevaluate the cost. <br />Expert Witness Testimony, including Depositions, is billed on a time -and -materials basis at <br />time and a half. <br />ECORP Consulting, Inc. has not been delegated authority under applicable state or federal <br />law to carry out government -to -government consultation with Native American tribes and <br />ECORP cannot guarantee a favorable outcome of tribal consultation. <br />This scope does not include costs for consultation with regulatory agencies including, but not <br />limited to, the State Historic Preservation Office California Department of Fish and Wildlife, or <br />US Fish and Wildlife Service, or participation by tribal monitors in fieldwork, <br />The scope and cost assumes one round of comments per version of each document and <br />electronic submittal of documents. We have assumed 5 comment letters on the Draft <br />IS/MND with approximately 4 comments each (approx. 20 comments total). <br />ECORP Consulting, Inc. assumes that the Project description will not change during the <br />Project. Changes to the Project description may affect cost and schedule. <br />2861 Pullman Street . Santa Ana, CA 92705 . Tel: (714) 648-0630 . <br />