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MEYER <br />L A N D <br />SURVEYING <br />CONSTRUCTION I MAPPING I GIS I SCANNING 13D MODELING <br />Assumptions and Exclusions: <br />• This Proposal Excludes anything not Expressly Stated. <br />• If sufficient monuments are not found per record, additional cost will apply. <br />• Support documents requested from the client may include a Preliminary Title Report, in <br />order that the Topographical Survey depict any easements which may exist on the property <br />and can only be known to Meyer Land Surveying from title documents provided by a client <br />selected Title Insurance Company. The owner of the parcel may have an adequate copy of <br />a Preliminary Title Report or Title Policy acquired during the purchase of the property. <br />• Proposal pricing is good for 90 days from date above. <br />• Does not include Agency fees, including Application or filing fees, which are typically <br />required by the jurisdiction in the case of Corner Record or Record of Survey submittals. <br />(As of the date of this proposal, the County of San Bernardino has a Corner Record <br />submittal fee of $18.00, and a Record of Survey submittal fee of $555.00, to be provided <br />by the client/owner) <br />• All costs in excess of the proposed amount must be agreed upon by the client prior to the <br />commencement of additional services. <br />Thank you for taking the time to review our proposal. We always welcome the opportunity <br />to participate in exciting projects and appreciate your invitation to bid. <br />Sincerely, <br />Meyer Land Surveying <br />Office (760) 284-1677 <br />Cell (760) 485-8296 <br /> <br /> <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />6656 Caliente Road, Suite A I Oak Hills, CA 92344 <br />Telephone: 760.284.1677 1 Email: <br />