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b.Comprehensive General Liability. $1,000,000 combined single limit of liability forbodily injuries, death, and property damage resulting from any one occurrence,including the following coverages:i.Premises and Operations; andii.Broad Form Commercial General Liability Endorsement to include blanketcontractual liability (specifically covering, but not limited to, the contractualobligations assumed by the SUBRECIPIENT); Personal Injury (withemployment and contractual exclusions deleted); and Broad Form PropertyDamage coverage.c.The SUBRECIPIENT's self-insured retention or deductible per line of coverageshall not exceed $25,000 without the permission of the AUTHORITY.(3)Proof of Insurance. The SUBRECIPIENT shall furnish the AUTHORITY's Clerk of theCouncil with an insurance certificate from insurance carrier certifying that it carries suchinsurance and that the policy shall not be canceled nor the coverage reduced except upon thirty(30)days prior notice to the AUTHORITY.The SUBRECIPIENT shall, prior to exercising any right under this AGREEMENT: a.furnish properly executed certificates of insurance and additional insuredendorsement to the AUTHORITY which shall clearly evidence all coverage requiredabove;b.provide that such insurance shall not be materially changed or terminated except onthirty (30) days prior written no tice to the AUTHORITY;c.maintain such insurance for the period covered by this AGREEMENT; andd.replace such certificates for policies expiring prior to the expiration of thisAGREEMENT.(4)Company Rating. All insurance coverage shall be written with a company having an A.M.Best Rating of"A" or better and financial size of VIII or larger.(5)Failure to Comply. In the event of any failure by the SUBRECIPIENT to comply withthese provisions, the AUTHORITY may, after notice to the SUBRECIPIENT, suspend theprogram for caus.e until there is full complia nce.H.Zoning.The SUBRECIPIENT agrees that any facility/property used in furtherance of said program shall bespecifically zoned and permitted for such use(s) and activity(ies). Should the SUBRECIPIENT fail tohave the required land entitlement and/or permits, thus violating any local, state; or federal rules andregulations relating thereto, the SUBRECIPIENT .shall immediately make good-faith efforts to gaincompliance with local, state, or federal rules and regulations following written notification of saidviolation(s) from the AUTHORITY or other authorized citing agency. The SUBRECIPIENT shallnotify the AUTHORITY immed iately of any pending violations. Failure to notify the AUTHORITYof pending violations, or to remedy such known violation(s), shall result in termination of grantPage8 <br />EXHIBIT 2