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XIV.VIOLATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONSA.TerminationIf, due to any cause, the SUBRECIPIENT fails to comply with the terms, conditions orrequirements of this AGREEMENT, or any prior AGREEMENT whereby EHV Services Fee fundswere received by the SUBRECIPIENT, whether stated in a Federal statute or regulation, anassurance, a State plan or application, a notice of award, or elsewhere, the AUTHORITY mayterminate or suspend this AGREEMENT in accordance with 2 CFR 200.339 and in accordancewith 2 CFR 200.340 by giving written notice, and the AUTHORITY may request in writing thatall or some of the grant funds be returned even if the SUB RECIPIENT has expended the funds.If the SUBRECIPIENT reports inaccurately, or if on audit there is a disallowance of certainexpenditures, the SUBRECIPIENT agrees to remedy the acts or omissions causing the disallowanceand repay the AUTHORITY all amounts spent in violation thereof. If the SUB RECIPIENT engagedin fraudulent activity to obtain and/or justify expenditure of the EHV Services Fee funds grantedhereunder, the SUBRECIPIENT shall be required to reimburse the AUTHORITY of all such fundsthat were obtained and/or spent under fraudulent circumstances, and the AUTHORITY reserves theright to take other remedies that may be legally available.The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to return all funds as requested by the AUTHORITY under thissection within thirty (30) days of receipt of the written request.Any objections regarding terminations or suspensions shall be made by the SUBRECIPIENT inwriting and mailed to the AUTHORITY pursuant to the above NOTICES section.XV.CLOSE-OUTThe SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with the closeout procedures detailed in 2 CFR 200.343,including the following:I.SUBRECIPIENT must submit, no later than ninety (90) calendar days after the enddate of the period of performance, all financial, performance, and other reports asrequired by the terms and conditions of the Federal award;2.Unless the AUTHORITY authorizes an extension, SUBRECIPIENT must liquidateall obligations incurred under the Federal award not later than ninety (90) calendardays after the end date of the period of performance as specified in the terms andconditions of the Federal award;3.SUBRECIPIENT must promptly refund any balances of unobligated cash that theAUTHORITY paid in advance or paid and that is not authorized to be retained bySUBRECIPIENT for use in other projects (See OMG Circular A-129 and 2 CFR200.345);4.SUBRECIPIENT must account. for any real and personal property acquired withFederal funds or received from the Federal government in accordance with 2 CFR200.310-200.316 and 200.329; and,Page 17 <br />EXHIBIT 2