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Orange RPU 2023 Biennial Modification to PY 2021-24 Regional Plan <br /> <br />28 <br /> <br />classifications, there are many opportunities to secure positions offering higher <br />compensation. The challenge is ensuring those in entry-level positions obtain additional <br />job-specific and English-language skills necessary to qualify for promotional <br />opportunities. Career pathway programs and incumbent worker training are workforce <br />development strategies that can play an essential role in lifting people from lower-wage <br />jobs. <br /> <br />B. Sector Strategies and Other Industry-Focused Initiatives <br /> <br />Orange RPU started the region’s sector partnership work under a “Slingshot” grant funded <br />by the California Workforce Development Board. The RPU engaged a consultant who is <br />a national leader in the design and practice of next-generation industry engagement. This <br />early work guided the launch of industry sector partnerships (ISPs) in the RPU’s four <br />priority sectors using the “Next Gen Sector Partnership” model. The first industry <br />collaboration meetings occurred just before the COVID-19 pandemic. These meetings <br />represented a starting point for partnerships to deepen and grow over the next several <br />years. The RPU had participation from core partners, employers, chambers, and unions. <br />While this work stalled over the pandemic, the Orange RPU Regional Organizer will <br />continue to lead the sector partnership work, which has three-fold goals: <br /> <br />1. Conduct regular sector partnership meetings with employers to identify common <br />industry priorities, address shared vitality issues, and understand hiring and training <br />needs to create a pipeline of qualified candidates in growth industries and other <br />promising sectors. <br /> <br />2. Develop workforce strategies in collaboration with adult education, community <br />colleges, and other partners, including mapping career pathways, work-based <br />learning, and apprenticeship programs. <br /> <br />3. Unify and coordinate business engagement efforts by all partners to minimize <br />duplication of efforts, minimize employer fatigue, and promote systemic change that <br />benefits each industry, its workers, and the community. <br /> <br />To address upward income mobility and improve economic self-sufficiency, continuous <br />and authentic industry leadership and shifts in workforce strategies are needed to <br />transition low-skill job seekers into middle-skill careers and address underemployment in <br />the region. The pandemic has slowed the industry sector’s work progress. The RPU <br />remains committed to re-engaging employers and partners and building upon the industry <br />sector work that was begun before the outbreak of COVID-19. <br /> <br />The RPU will work in close collaboration with the community college system through the <br />Orange County Regional Consortium (OCRC) to convene industry leaders. OCRC <br />provides a regional framework to communicate, coordinate, collaborate, promote, and <br />plan career and technical education in concert with workforce and economic development <br />in the Orange County region. OCRC represents nine community colleges and one stand- <br />alone continuing education (noncredit) center within four community college districts. The <br />EXHIBIT 1