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Item 10 - Amend CIP for the West Willits Protected Bike Lanes from Fairview Street to Raitt Street
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
03/07/2023 Special and Regular
Item 10 - Amend CIP for the West Willits Protected Bike Lanes from Fairview Street to Raitt Street
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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Public Works Agency <br /> <br />Item # 10 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Staff Report <br />March 7, 2023 <br />TOPIC: Award Construction Contract and Amend CIP for the West Willits Protected <br />Bike Lanes from Fairview Street to Raitt Street <br />AGENDA TITLE <br />Award a Construction Contract to Excel Paving Co. in the Amount of $1,798,800.00 for <br />the West Willits Protected Bike Lanes from Fairview Street to Raitt Street Project, with <br />an Estimated Project Delivery Cost of $2,277,000.00 (Project No. 19-6948, APSBL- <br />5063(195)) (Non -General Fund) <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />1. Award a construction contract to Excel Paving Co., the lowest responsible bidder, <br />in accordance with the base bid in the amount of $1,798,800.00, for construction <br />of the West Willits Protected Bike Lanes from Fairview Street to Raitt Street <br />Project, for a term beginning March 7, 2023 and ending upon project completion, <br />and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract subject to non - <br />substantive changes approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney. <br />2. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost <br />of $2,277,000.00, which includes $1,798,800.00 for the construction contract, <br />$270,000.00 for contract administration, inspection and testing, and a <br />$208,200.00 project contingency for unanticipated or unforeseen work. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The City's General Plan Mobility Element and 2020 Safe Routes to School Plan <br />identifies the need for protected bike lanes and other improvements on West Willits <br />Street from Fairview Street to Raitt Street (Exhibit 1). The scope of work includes <br />constructing a protected bikeway system including raised medians, irrigation, <br />landscape, bike detection, curb ramps, cross gutters, traffic signal modifications, traffic <br />loops, and crosswalk enhancements. Once completed, the newly constructed bike lanes <br />will help create a safer route for the community to improve the quality of life for all users. <br />Public Outreach and Contractor Participation <br />To provide an opportunity for local vendors to submit bids, the City notified a total of 916 <br />regional vendors via PlanetBids, many of which are Santa Ana based. Five vendors <br />requested bidding documents and a total of five bids were received. One of the five bids <br />was received from a Santa Ana contractor. <br />
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