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DocuSign Envelope ID: 4BDC617B-C22E-4B4A-8057-C42295F83EC5 <br />10AIiININIE"! <br />Addenda, Terms and Conditions <br />PROPOSER AFFIDAVIT AND ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE <br />I certify that I am the authorized representative of the Proposer submitting the foregoing Proposal with the legal authority to bind the <br />Proposer to this Affidavit and Assurance of Compliance: <br />1. The Proposer is submitting this Proposal under its full and complete legal name, and the Proposer legally exists in good standing in <br />the jurisdiction of its residence. <br />2. The Proposer warrants that the information provided in this Proposal is true, correct, and reliable for purposes of evaluation for <br />contract award. <br />3. The Proposer, including any person assisting with the creation of this Proposal, has arrived at this Proposal independently and the <br />Proposal has been created without colluding with any other person, company, or parties that have or will submit a proposal under <br />this solicitation; and the Proposal has in all respects been created fairly without any fraud or dishonesty. The Proposer has not <br />directly or indirectly entered into any agreement or arrangement with any person or business in an effort to influence any part of <br />this solicitation or operations of a resulting contract; and the Proposer has not taken any action in restraint of free trade or <br />competitiveness in connection with this solicitation. Additionally, if Proposer has worked with a consultant on the Proposal, the <br />consultant (an individual or a company) has not assisted any other entity that has submitted or will submit a proposal for this <br />solicitation. <br />4. To the best of its knowledge and belief, and except as otherwise disclosed in the Proposal, there are no relevant facts or <br />circumstances which could give rise to an organizational conflict of interest. An organizational conflict of interest exists when a <br />vendor has an unfair competitive advantage or the vendor's objectivity in performing the contract is, or might be, impaired. <br />5. The contents of the Proposal have not been communicated by the Proposer or its employees or agents to any person not an <br />employee or legally authorized agent of the Proposer and will not be communicated to any such persons prior to Due Date of this <br />solicitation. <br />6. If awarded a contract, the Proposer will provide to Sourcewell Participating Entities the equipment, products, and services in <br />accordance with the terms, conditions, and scope of a resulting contract. <br />7. The Proposer possesses, or will possess before delivering any equipment, products, or services, all applicable licenses or <br />certifications necessary to deliver such equipment, products, or services under any resulting contract. <br />8. The Proposer agrees to deliver equipment, products, and services through valid contracts, purchase orders, or means that are <br />acceptable to Sourcewell Members. Unless otherwise agreed to, the Proposer must provide only new and first -quality products and <br />related services to Sourcewell Members under an awarded Contract. <br />9. The Proposer will comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws, regulations, rules, and orders. <br />10. The Proposer understands that Sourcewell will reject RFP proposals that are marked "confidential" (or "nonpublic," etc.), either <br />substantially or in their entirety. Under Minnesota Statutes Section 13.591, subdivision 4, all proposals are considered nonpublic <br />data until the evaluation is complete and a Contract is awarded. At that point, proposals become public data. Minnesota Statutes <br />Section 13.37 permits only certain narrowly defined data to be considered a "trade secret," and thus nonpublic data under <br />Minnesota's Data Practices Act. <br />11. Proposer its employees, agents, and subcontractors are not: <br />1. Included on the "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons" list maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control <br />of the United States Department of the Treasury found at: ; <br />2. Included on the government -wide exclusions lists in the United States System for Award Management found at: <br />; or <br />3. Presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from programs operated <br />Bid Number: RFP 091422 Vendor Name: White Cap, LP <br />