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Provide routine ilia irlten►lnce ofLake/fond inechaniclal equipment (circulation pumps, <br />'Wr'atrol1 I)cinlpS, and diffi.isers)', <br />• Monitor Lake/Pond water conditions and provide required water treatments (both <br />Ghcm]ial and 111rtnual). <br />For Emergency envy Repairs or Extra Work — Sedinnelnt Removal to be performed oil rill as - <br />needed or emergency basis as determined by tho City <br />4. Contractor shall scrpply rand apply all required Ialx)r, materials/cheinlicals to maintain and <br />promote a healthy and aesthetically acceptable Lake/Ponca condition at all tidies (provide <br />labels and Safety Data Sheets for all materials to be used), <br />5. Contractor shall provide aquatic vegetation and algae control measures; to maintain an <br />aesthetically acceptable condition at all times. <br />6. Contractor shall notify the City representative immediately of any abnormal writer <br />condition, <br />7. Contractor shall provide: insect control rlleasures to manage the aquatic borne, insect <br />population at an acceptable level at all times, <br />8. Contractor shall provide a monthly report of the: services performed and chemicals <br />applied and a general observation or the Lake/Pond water condition, <br />9. Contractor shall provide a weekly SelledUle Showing pr'oI)osed service Clays and <br />approximate time of arrival for each service. The schedule shall be delivered via e-mail <br />to the City Maintenance Superintendent. <br />10. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to Notify the City when any ecluipmont is faulty <br />or in need of repair, or if the Lake/Poled water clicnlistr'y is in a condition deemed <br />hazardous and/Or unsightly. The City has fine option, to use City staff, the Coll tractor, or <br />another contractor to perforin repairs. <br />11. Additional work for emergency repairs or extra work Emily be requested by the City, at <br />the rate shown in the Fee Schedule, <br />12. Contractor shall meet a minimum of one time per month with a designated City <br />representative, to review performance and Lake/Pont] conditions. <br />City of Santa Ana Ri"P 22-093 <br />Page Al-2 <br />