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To City: <br />Clerk of the City Council <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center plaza (M_30) <br />P.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702-1ggg <br />Fax:714- 647_6956 <br />With courtesy copies to: <br />Nabil Saba, p.E. <br />Executive Director, public Works Agency <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Cenrer plaza (M_21) <br />P.O. Box 19Bg <br />Santa Ana, California 92702 <br />Fax: (714) 647_5635 <br />To Consultant: <br />Mark Bucher <br />Secretary <br />Service First <br />2510 N. Grand Ave., #110 <br />Santa Ana, Califomia 92705 <br />A party may change its adclress bv giving notice in writing to the other party. Thereafter, anycommunication shall be addressed and transrnittJd to tt . ,"* ,a,tress. If sent by rnail, communicationshall be effective or cleemed to have u".n gir", ,hr." iiJ;;yrl?", it has been deposited i, the UnitedStates mail' duly registergd or certified, wi?h postage p;;prtd, il addressecl u, ."i above. If sentby fax' commttnication shall be effective o. a""*.aio iruu" u."n gir"n twenty-four (24) hours aftertlie time set forlh on the transmission repoft issued by the t.unr*ittirg facsimile *u.hin", adclessedf#ffiil:;ll,lj, ffiXjl?r,J"iiorcarcurating <br />these iir" r,u,,.,, wee-kends, r.a".ui,-,tute, counry or <br />21. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />a' Each undersigned represents and warrants that its signature herein below has the power,authority and right to bincl their. respective parties to each of the terms of thisAgreement, a,d shall inclemniS, City fulty, in"i,.,Oing reasonable <br />"ori, una atto,rey,sfees' for any injuries or damages to city ln the .u"ni thut such authority or power isnot, in fact, held by the signatory or is withdrawn. <br />b' All Exhibits referenced herein and attachecl hereto shall be incorporated as if fully setforth in the body of this Agreement. <br />#254137v2 <br />[signature page to follow] <br />Page 8 of9