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. Contractor shall not post advertising signs and banners within the Maintained Areas. All signs <br />used by the Contractor shall be kept "Graffiti Free" at all tirnes. <br />' Contractor shall post signs at all locations as required by the Depaftment of Environmental <br />Health notifying the public of potential exposures. Signs shall be provided by the Contractor at <br />the Contractor's cost. <br />17. Reports <br />'Daily and monthly reports shall be maintained at each pool site. The daily repoft shall include <br />chemical analysis of the pool (controller and manual), filter readings, and flow readings. The <br />monthly report shall include a complete chemical analysis of the pool (free chlorine, combined <br />chlorine and total chlorine), plrmp room equipment inspection, pool deck equipment inspection, <br />and a list of allrninor maintenance repairs. Allreports shall be in a form acceptable to the Parks <br />Superintendent. <br />18. Performance of Work <br />' Contractor shall, at its own cost and expense, fr-rrnish all necessary materials, supplies, labor, <br />chemicals, transpoftation, and equipment for doing and performing work required under this <br />RFP. <br />' Contractor agrees that all services performed hereunder shall be provided in a manner <br />commensllrate r,vith the highest professional standards and shall be performed by qualified and <br />experienced personnel; that any work performed by Contractor under the Contract will be <br />performed in the best manner; that any rnaterial furnished shall be subject to the approval of the <br />Parks Superintendent; and that both work and materials will meet fully the requirements of this <br />RFP. <br />19. Permits & Licenses <br />'Where requirements of the permits differ from those listed herein, the more stringent <br />requirement shall apply. The Contractor shall obtain all permits required by other agencies of the <br />State and County as well as the City of Santa Ana. All permits and licenses shall be obtained by <br />and at the expense ofthe Contractor and/or subcontractors. <br />20. Emergency Work <br />' In case of an emergency that threatens loss or injury of property , andlor safety of life, the <br />Contractor shall act, without previous instructions from the City, as the situation may warrant. <br />Contractor shall notify the City of the emergency and the action taken immediately thereafter. <br />Any compensation claimed by the Contractor, together with substantiating documents in regard