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City of Santa Ana <br />4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED <br />Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />The subject areas checked below were determined to be new significant environmental effects or to be <br />previously identified effects that have a substantial increase in severity either due to a change in project, <br />change in circumstances or new information of substantial importance, as indicated by the checklist and <br />discussion on the following pages. <br />❑ <br />Aesthetics <br />❑ <br />Agriculture and Forestry <br />Resources <br />❑ <br />Air Quality <br />❑ <br />Biological Resources <br />❑ <br />Cultural Resources <br />❑ <br />Energy <br />❑ <br />Geology/Soils <br />❑ <br />Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />❑ <br />Hazards and Hazardous <br />Materials <br />❑ <br />Hydrology/Water Quality <br />❑ <br />Land Use/Planning <br />❑ <br />Mineral Resources <br />❑ <br />Noise <br />❑ <br />Population/Housing <br />❑ <br />Public Services <br />❑ <br />Recreation <br />❑ <br />Transportation <br />❑ <br />Tribal Cultural Resources <br />❑ <br />Utilities/Service Systems <br />❑ <br />Wildfire <br />❑ <br />Mandatory Findings of <br />Significance <br />4.3 DETERMINATION: (To be completed by the Lead Agency) <br />On the basis of this initial evaluation: <br />® <br />I find that the proposed project WOULD NOT result in: 1) a peculiar impact that was not identified <br />as a significant impact under the prior EIR; 2) a significant impact that was not analyzed as <br />significant in the prior EIR; 3) a potentially significant offsite impact or cumulative impact not <br />discussed in the prior EIR; or 4) a more severe impact due to substantial new information that was <br />not known at the time the prior EIR. NO FURTHER ACTION is required, and a Notice of Determination <br />(Section 15094) will be filed indicating that the project IS ELIGIBLE for an EXEMPTION under State <br />CEQA Guidelines Section 15183. <br />❑ <br />I find that the proposed Project would result in: 1) a peculiar impact that was not identified as a <br />significant impact under the prior EIR; 2) a significant impact that was not analyzed as significant in <br />the prior EIR; 3) a potentially significant offsite impact or cumulative impact not discussed in the <br />prior EIR; or 4) a more severe impact due to substantial new information that was not known at the <br />time the prior EIR. I find that FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW is necessary to analyze those <br />effects that are subject to CEQA, and therefore, this Project is NOT ELIGIBLE for an EXEMPTION <br />under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15183. <br />Signature <br />Printed Name <br />Date <br />Title <br />26 <br />