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Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/20/2022 Special & Regular
Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
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Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />City of Santa Ana Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />Archaeological Resources Assessment describes that the Project site has been previously disturbed by <br />grading, and fill soil was identified in soils tests to a depth of five to seven feet. The Archaeological Resources <br />Assessment determined that based upon the previous grading disturbance of the site and the sparse number <br />of recorded archaeological sites in the vicinity, the Project site has a very low potential to contain buried <br />and in situ cultural resources. Thus, the Archaeological Resources Assessment determined that it is highly <br />unlikely that any resources would be impacted by redevelopment of the site. <br />Based on the very low potential of the site for archaeological resources, the Project would not be required <br />to implement GPU Mitigation Measures (listed below) related to archeological monitoring. Therefore, the <br />Project would result in no new impacts related to adverse change in the significance of an archaeological <br />resource. <br />c) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? <br />No New Impact. The Project site does not contain a cemetery, and no known formal cemeteries are located <br />within the immediate vicinity of the Project site. Nevertheless, should human remains be unearthed during <br />grading and excavation activities associated with Project development, the construction contractor would be <br />required by California law to comply with California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 and Public <br />Resources Code Section 5097.98. According to Section 7050.5(b) and (c), if human remains are discovered, <br />the County Coroner must be contacted and if the Coroner recognizes the human remains to be those of a <br />Native American or has reason to believe that they are those of a Native American, the Coroner is required <br />to contact the NAHC by telephone within 24 hours. Pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section <br />5097.98, whenever the NAHC receives notification of a discovery of Native American human remains from <br />a county coroner, the NAHC is required to immediately notify those persons it believes to be most likely <br />descended from the deceased Native American. The descendants may, with the permission of the owner of <br />the land, or his or her authorized representative, inspect the site of discovery of the Native American human <br />remains and may recommend to the owner or the person responsible for the excavation work means for <br />treatment or disposition, with appropriate dignity, of the human remains and any associated grave goods. <br />The descendants shall complete their inspection and make recommendations or preferences for treatment <br />within 48 hours of being granted access to the site. According to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(k), <br />the NAHC is authorized to mediate disputes arising between landowners and known descendants relating to <br />the treatment and disposition of Native American human burials, skeletal remains, and items associated with <br />Native American burials. <br />Through mandatory compliance with California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 and Public <br />Resources Code Section 5097.98, the Project would not result in significant impacts to human remains, and <br />impacts would be less than significant. Therefore, the Project would result in no new impact related to <br />disturbance of human remains. <br />Conclusion <br />With regards to the issue area of cultural/archeological resources, the following findings can be made: <br />1. No peculiar impacts to the Project or its site have been identified. <br />2. There are no potentially significant off -site and/or cumulative impacts which were not discussed by <br />the GPU EIR. <br />3. No substantial new information has been identified which results in an impact which is more severe <br />than anticipated by the GPU EIR. <br />Uniformly Applied Development Policies or Standards (DP/S) <br />California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 regarding human remains <br />GPU EIR Mitigation Measures Applicable to the Project <br />CUL-1 Identification of Historical Resources and Potential Project Impacts. For structures 45 years <br />or older, a Historical Resources Assessment (HRA) shall be prepared by an architectural historian <br />48 <br />
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