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Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/20/2022 Special & Regular
Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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City of Santa Ana <br />Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />historical significance of the affected historical resource, and shall be designed in conjunction with <br />a qualified architectural historian, historian, or historic architect. <br />Proposed Project Applicability: Mitigation Measure CUL-3 is not applicable to the proposed Project <br />because the Project does not involve impacts to a historical resource. <br />CUL-4 For projects with ground disturbance—e.g., grading, excavation, trenching, boring, or demolition <br />that extend below the current grade —prior to issuance of any permits required to conduct ground - <br />disturbing activities, the City shall require an Archaeological Resources Assessment be conducted <br />under the supervision of an archaeologist that meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professionally <br />Qualified Standards in either prehistoric or historic archaeology. <br />Assessments shall include a California Historical Resources Information System records search at <br />the South Central Coastal Information Center and of the Sacred Land Files maintained by the <br />Native American Heritage Commission. The records searches will determine if the proposed project <br />area has been previously surveyed for archaeological resources, identify and characterize the <br />results of previous cultural resource surveys, and disclose any cultural resources that have been <br />recorded and/or evaluated. If unpaved surfaces are present within the project area, and the entire <br />project area has not been previously surveyed within the past 10 years, a Phase I pedestrian <br />survey shall be undertaken in proposed project areas to locate any surface cultural materials that <br />may be present. <br />Proposed Project Applicability: Mitigation Measure CUL-4 is applicable to the proposed Project and an <br />Archaeological Resources Assessment has been prepared and is included in Appendix D. <br />CUL-5 If potentially significant archaeological resources are identified, and impacts cannot be avoided, a <br />Phase II Testing and Evaluation investigation shall be performed by an archaeologist who meets <br />the Secretary of the Interior's Standards to determine significance prior to any ground -disturbing <br />activities. If resources are determined significant or unique through Phase II testing, and site <br />avoidance is not possible, appropriate site -specific mitigation measures shall be undertaken. These <br />might include a Phase III data recovery program implemented by a qualified archaeologist and <br />performed in accordance with the Office of Historical Preservation's "Archaeological Resource <br />Management Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents and Format" (OHP 1990) and "Guidelines <br />for Archaeological Research Designs" (OHP 1991). <br />Proposed Project Applicability: Mitigation Measure CUL-5 is applicable to the proposed Project and will be <br />included in the Project MMRP. <br />CUL-6 If the archaeological assessment did not identify archaeological resources but found the area to <br />be highly sensitive for archaeological resources, a qualified archaeologist and a Native American <br />monitor approved by a California Native American Tribe identified by the Native American <br />Heritage Commission as culturally affiliated with the project area shall monitor all ground - <br />disturbing construction and pre -construction activities in areas of high sensitivity. The archaeologist <br />shall inform all construction personnel prior to construction activities of the proper procedures in the <br />event of an archaeological discovery. The training shall be held in conjunction with the project's <br />initial on -site safety meeting and shall explain the importance and legal basis for the protection <br />of significant archaeological resources. The Native American monitor shall be invited to participate <br />in this training. In the event that archaeological resources (artifacts or features) are exposed during <br />ground -disturbing activities, construction activities in the immediate vicinity of the discovery shall <br />be halted while the resources are evaluated for significance by an archaeologist who meets the <br />Secretary's Standards. This will include tribal consultation and coordination with the Native <br />American monitor in the case of a prehistoric archaeological resource or tribal resource. If the <br />discovery proves to be significant, the long-term disposition of any collected materials should be <br />determined in consultation with the affiliated tribe(s), where relevant; this could include curation <br />50 <br />
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