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Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />City of Santa Ana Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />Project Peculiar <br />Significant <br />Potentially <br />Adverse No <br />Impact that is <br />Impact not <br />Significant <br />Impact New <br />not <br />Analyzed as <br />Offsite or <br />More Severe Impact <br />Substantially <br />Significant in <br />Cumulative <br />based on <br />Mitigated by <br />the Prior EIR <br />Impact not <br />Substantial <br />Uniformly <br />Discussed <br />New <br />Applied <br />in the prior <br />Information <br />Policies <br />EIR <br />5.6 ENERGY. Would the project: <br />a) Result in potentially significant environmental <br />impact due to wasteful, inefficient, or <br />unnecessary consumption of energy resources, <br />during project construction or operation? <br />b) Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan <br />for renewable energy or energy efficiency? <br />Summary of Impacts Identified in the GPU EIR <br />❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ <br />❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ <br />The Final Recirculated GPU EIR addressed energy impacts on pages 5.5-15 through 5.5-20. The GPU EIR <br />determined that implementation of the GPU policies, in conjunction with and complementary to regulatory <br />requirements, would ensure that energy demand associated with growth under the GPU would not be <br />inefficient, wasteful, or unnecessary. Additionally, the GPU would not conflict with or obstruct a state or local <br />plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency. <br />Impacts Associated with the Proposed Project <br />a) Result in potentially significant environmental impacts due to wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary <br />consumption of energy resources, during project construction or operation? <br />No New Impact. <br />Construction <br />During construction of the proposed project would consume energy in three general forms: <br />1. Petroleum -based fuels used to power off -road construction vehicles and equipment, construction <br />worker travel to and from the project site, as well as delivery truck trips; <br />2. Electricity associated with providing temporary power for lighting and electric equipment; and <br />3. Energy used in the production of construction materials, such as asphalt, steel, concrete, pipes, and <br />manufactured or processed materials such as lumber and glass. <br />Construction activities related to the proposed development and the associated infrastructure is not expected <br />to result in demand for fuel greater on a per -development basis than other development projects in Southern <br />California. Diesel fuel would be supplied by existing commercial fuel providers serving the Project site and <br />region. <br />Construction of the Project would result in fuel and electricity consumption from the use of construction tools <br />and equipment, vendor and haul truck trips, and vehicle trips generated from construction workers traveling <br />to and from the site. There are no unusual project characteristics that would cause the use of construction <br />1 Based on Appendix A of the CalEEMod User's Guide, Construction consists of several types of off -road equipment. Since the majority of the off - <br />road construction equipment used for construction projects are diesel fueled, CalEEMod assumes all of the equipment operates on diesel fuel. <br />52 <br />